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# Simple rsync container based on alpine
A simple rsync server/client Docker image to easily rsync data within Docker volumes
## Simple Usage
Get files from remote server within a `docker volume`:
$ docker run --rm -v blobstorage:/data/ eeacms/rsync \
rsync -avz user@remote.server.domain.or.ip:/var/local/blobs/ /data/
Get files from `remote server` to a `data container`:
$ docker run -d --name data -v /data busybox
$ docker run --rm --volumes-from=data eeacms/rsync \
rsync -avz user@remote.server.domain.or.ip:/var/local/blobs/ /data/
## Advanced Usage
### Client setup
Start client to pack and sync every night:
$ docker run --name=rsync_client -v client_vol_to_sync:/data \
-e CRON_TASK_1="0 1 * * * /data/" \
-e CRON_TASK_2="0 3 * * * rsync -e 'ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz /data/" \
eeacms/rsync client
Copy the client SSH public key printed found in console
### Server setup
Start server on ``
# docker run --name=rsync_server -d -p 2222:22 -v server_vol_to_sync:/data \
-e SSH_AUTH_KEY="<SSH KEY FROM rsync_client>" \
eeacms/rsync server
### Verify that it works
Add `test` file on server:
$ docker exec -it rsync_server sh
$ touch /data/test
Bring the `file` on client:
$ docker exec -it rsync_client sh
$ rsync -e 'ssh -p 2222 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -avz /data/
$ ls -l /data/