2019-04-11 13:55:04 +02:00

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# ansible
## commande ansible
***launch playbook on staging***
`ansible-playbook -i staging site.yml --vault-password-file=.vaultpassword`
***init new role architecture***
`ansible-galaxy user_config init `
***launch ansible bootstrap***
` ansible-playbook -i nas, bootstrap.yml -u root --ask-pass`
***encrypt string***
`ansible-vault encrypt_string`
## Prerequis
- python
- sudo
### Global Roles
- [x] system role:
- install ansible aur module
- soft install (zsh,vim,)
- [x] user profil config
- [x] ansible bootstrap
- install python
- install sudo
- create user
- copy clé RSA
- [x] samba automount role
- géré les credential en fichier
- initialisé les variable pour les diferent périphérique
- [x] davfs mount
- [X] VM server
- [X] syncthing role
### Workstation roles
- [x] mpd role
- [x] ansible manager
- install ansible
- install ansible aur module
- clone ansible repo
- [X] workstation role
- -need to check for nvidia drver
- [X] cups
- [ ] bluetooth et tlp pour laptop
- [X] grubtheme
### Server Roles
- [server role]
- cron
- ssmtp
- terminfo
- controle du reboot
- [ ] rsyncd role
- [ ] backup role?
- [ ] ssmtp role
- [ ] nginx/php role
- install
- config
- [ ] mariadb role
- install
- config
- backup
- [ ] tt-rss role
- depend nginx & madiadb role
- [ ] gitea role
- depend of mariadb role
- [ ] dns role
- [ ] failtoban role
#### global improvment
- voir pour compatibiliser debian
- variabiliser