vincent 72d474191e
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
config (borgmatic): add prowlar exception
2024-12-28 09:43:52 +01:00

242 lines
7.2 KiB

job "borgmatic" {
datacenters = ["homelab"]
priority = 50
type = "service"
meta {
forcedeploy = "0"
constraint {
attribute = "${node.class}"
operator = "set_contains"
value = "NAS"
group "borgmatic"{
policies= ["borgmatic"]
task "borgmatic" {
action "manual-backup" {
command = "/usr/local/bin/borgmatic"
args = ["create",
action "list-backup" {
command = "/usr/local/bin/borgmatic"
args = ["rlist"]
driver = "docker"
config {
image = "ghcr.service.consul:5000/borgmatic-collective/borgmatic"
volumes = [
env {
template {
data= <<EOH
BORG_RSH="ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -p 23"
{{ with secret "secrets/data/nomad/borgmatic"}}
BORG_PASSPHRASE= {{.Data.data.passphrase}}
destination = "secrets/sample.env"
env = true
template {
data= <<EOH
0 2 * * * PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/borgmatic create prune --verbosity 1
0 23 1 * * PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin /usr/local/bin/borgmatic check
destination = "local/borgmatic.d/crontab.txt"
template {
data= <<EOH
# List of source directories to backup (required). Globs and
# tildes are expanded. Do not backslash spaces in path names.
- /exports/ebook
- /exports/homes
- /exports/music
- /exports/nomad
- /exports/photo
- path: ssh://u304977@u304977.your-storagebox.de/./{{if eq "production" (env "meta.env") }}backup_hamelab{{else}}backup_homelab_dev{{end}}
label: {{if eq "production" (env "meta.env") }}backup_hamelab{{else}}backup_homelab_dev{{end}}
- '*/nomad/jellyfin/cache'
- '*nomad/loki/'
- '*nomad/prometheus'
- '*nomad/registry'
- '*nomad/pacoloco'
- '*nomad/pihole'
- '*nomad/jellyfin/*'
- '*.log*'
- '*/nomad/prowlarr/Definitions/'
match_archives: '*'
archive_name_format: '{{ env "node.datacenter" }}-{now:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f}'
# Extra command-line options to pass to "borg init".
# init: --extra-option
# Extra command-line options to pass to "borg prune".
# prune: --extra-option
# Extra command-line options to pass to "borg compact".
# compact: --extra-option
# Extra command-line options to pass to "borg create".
create: --progress --stats
# Extra command-line options to pass to "borg check".
# check: --extra-option
# Keep all archives within this time interval.
# keep_within: 3H
# Number of secondly archives to keep.
# keep_secondly: 60
# Number of minutely archives to keep.
# keep_minutely: 60
# Number of hourly archives to keep.
# keep_hourly: 24
# Number of daily archives to keep.
keep_daily: 7
# Number of weekly archives to keep.
keep_weekly: 4
# Number of monthly archives to keep.
# keep_monthly: 6
# Number of yearly archives to keep.
# keep_yearly: 1
- name: repository
# - archives
# check_repositories:
# - user@backupserver:sourcehostname.borg
# check_last: 3
# output:
# color: false
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before creating a backup, run once per configuration file.
# before_backup:
# - echo "Starting a backup."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before pruning, run once per configuration file.
# before_prune:
# - echo "Starting pruning."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before compaction, run once per configuration file.
# before_compact:
# - echo "Starting compaction."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before consistency checks, run once per configuration file.
# before_check:
# - echo "Starting checks."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before extracting a backup, run once per configuration file.
# before_extract:
# - echo "Starting extracting."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after creating a backup, run once per configuration file.
# after_backup:
# - echo "Finished a backup."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after compaction, run once per configuration file.
# after_compact:
# - echo "Finished compaction."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after pruning, run once per configuration file.
# after_prune:
# - echo "Finished pruning."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after consistency checks, run once per configuration file.
# after_check:
# - echo "Finished checks."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after extracting a backup, run once per configuration file.
# after_extract:
# - echo "Finished extracting."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# when an exception occurs during a "prune", "compact",
# "create", or "check" action or an associated before/after
# hook.
# on_error:
# - echo "Error during prune/compact/create/check."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# before running all actions (if one of them is "create").
# These are collected from all configuration files and then
# run once before all of them (prior to all actions).
# before_everything:
# - echo "Starting actions."
# List of one or more shell commands or scripts to execute
# after running all actions (if one of them is "create").
# These are collected from all configuration files and then
# run once after all of them (after any action).
# after_everything:
# - echo "Completed actions."
destination = "local/borgmatic.d/config.yaml"
template {
data= <<EOH
{{ with secret "secrets/data/nomad/borgmatic"}}
destination = "secret/id_rsa"
perms= "700"
template {
data= <<EOH
[u304977.your-storagebox.de]:23 ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIICf9svRenC/PLKIL9nk6K/pxQgoiFC41wTNvoIncOxs
[u304977.your-storagebox.de]:23 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA5EB5p/5Hp3hGW1oHok+PIOH9Pbn7cnUiGmUEBrCVjnAw+HrKyN8bYVV0dIGllswYXwkG/+bgiBlE6IVIBAq+JwVWu1Sss3KarHY3OvFJUXZoZyRRg/Gc/+LRCE7lyKpwWQ70dbelGRyyJFH36eNv6ySXoUYtGkwlU5IVaHPApOxe4LHPZa/qhSRbPo2hwoh0orCtgejRebNtW5nlx00DNFgsvn8Svz2cIYLxsPVzKgUxs8Zxsxgn+Q/UvR7uq4AbAhyBMLxv7DjJ1pc7PJocuTno2Rw9uMZi1gkjbnmiOh6TTXIEWbnroyIhwc8555uto9melEUmWNQ+C+PwAK+MPw==
[u304977.your-storagebox.de]:23 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHA1MjEAAAAIbmlzdHA1MjEAAACFBAGK0po6usux4Qv2d8zKZN1dDvbWjxKkGsx7XwFdSUCnF19Q8psHEUWR7C/LtSQ5crU/g+tQVRBtSgoUcE8T+FWp5wBxKvWG2X9gD+s9/4zRmDeSJR77W6gSA/+hpOZoSE+4KgNdnbYSNtbZH/dN74EG7GLb/gcIpbUUzPNXpfKl7mQitw==
destination = "secret/known_hosts"
resources {
memory = 300
memory_max = 1000