job "homeassistant" { datacenters = ["homelab"] priority = 90 type = "service" meta { forcedeploy = "0" } constraint { attribute = "${attr.cpu.arch}" value = "amd64" } group "homeassistant" { network { mode = "host" port "http" { to = 8123 static = 8123 } port "coap" { to = 5683 static = 5683 } } task "hass" { driver = "docker" service { name = "${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}" port = "http" tags = [ "homer.enable=true", "", "homer.service=Application", "homer.subtitle=Home Assistant", "homer.logo=", "", "homer.url=https://${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}", "traefik.enable=true", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}.rule=Host(`${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}`)", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}[0].sans=${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}.tls.certresolver=myresolver", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_TASK_NAME}.entrypoints=web,websecure", ] check { type = "tcp" interval = "10s" timeout = "2s" } } config { image = "homeassistant/home-assistant:stable" ports = ["http", "coap"] privileged = "true" network_mode = "host" volumes = [ "/mnt/diskstation/nomad/hass:/config", ] } env { TZ = "Europe/Paris" } resources { cpu = 800 # 500 MHz memory = 512 # 512 MB } } } }