job "torrent" { datacenters = ["hetzner"] priority = 80 type = "service" meta { forcedeploy = "0" } vault { policies= ["torrent"] } group "bittorent" { network { mode = "host" port "http" { to = 8080 host_network = "private" } port "torrent" { static = 6881 host_network = "public" } port "ecoute" { static = 50000 host_network = "public" } } task "bittorent" { driver = "podman" service { name = "bittorent" port = "http" address_mode= "host" tags = [ "homer.enable=true", "", "homer.url=", "homer.service=Application", "homer.logo=https://${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}", "", "traefik.enable=true", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}.rule=Host(`${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}`)", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}[0].sans=${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}.tls.certresolver=myresolver", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}.entrypoints=web,websecure", "traefik.http.routers.${NOMAD_JOB_NAME}.middlewares=torrentauth", "traefik.http.middlewares.torrentauth.basicauth.users=admin:${ADMIN_HASHED_PWD}" ] } template { data = <<-EOF ADMIN_HASHED_PWD={{ with secret "secrets/nomad/torrent" }}{{}}{{ end }} EOF destination = "secrets/env" env = true } user = "root" config { image = "" privileged = "true" ports = [ "http", "torrent", "ecoute" ] volumes = [ "/mnt/hetzner/storagebox/rutorrentConfig:/data", "/mnt/hetzner/storagebox/file:/downloads" ] } env { PUID = 1024 PGID = 984 UMASK = 002 WEBUI_PORT = "8080" } resources { memory = 450 } } } }