From dabbaff4e46348b03bcc502c251b94300e25f668 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: vincent Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 21:47:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] del vimifo --- vim/.viminfo | 1455 -------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 1455 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 vim/.viminfo diff --git a/vim/.viminfo b/vim/.viminfo deleted file mode 100644 index 22ef15b..0000000 --- a/vim/.viminfo +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1455 +0,0 @@ -# Ce fichier viminfo a été généré par Vim 8.1. -# Vous pouvez l'éditer, mais soyez prudent. - -# Viminfo version -|1,4 - -# 'encoding' dans lequel ce fichier a été écrit -*encoding=utf-8 - - -# hlsearch on (H) or off (h): -~h -# Dernier motif de recherche : -~MSle0~/mpd - -# Dernier motif de recherche Substitue : -~MSle0&steam - -# Dernières chaînes de substitution : -$ - -# Historique ligne de commande (chronologie décroissante) : -:wq -|2,0,1528917355,,"wq" -:q! -|2,0,1528917222,,"q!" -:w -|2,0,1528915055,,"w" -:q -|2,0,1523478097,,"q" -:WQ -|2,0,1522695192,,"WQ" -:a -|2,0,1521487305,,"a" -:xs -|2,0,1520882902,,"xs" -:q:q! -|2,0,1520793738,,"q:q!" -:Q! -|2,0,1520625379,,"Q!" -:W -|2,0,1520625375,,"W" -:Q -|2,0,1520625373,,"Q" -:5 -|2,0,1519671163,,"5" -::wq -|2,0,1519565957,,":wq" -:wq powerline -|2,0,1519501241,,"wq powerline" -:s -|2,0,1519501201,,"s" -:q:! -|2,0,1519329600,,"q:!" -:48 -|2,0,1519328835,,"48" -:;; -|2,0,1519328713,,";;" -:47 -|2,0,1519328044,,"47" -:10 -|2,0,1519328033,,"10" -:& -|2,0,1519328030,,"&" -:w l -|2,0,1513432493,,"w l" - -# Historique chaîne de recherche (chronologie décroissante) : -?/mpd -|2,1,1523553842,47,"mpd" -?/rof -|2,1,1523478052,47,"rof" -?/modi -|2,1,1523477793,47,"modi" -?/default_s -|2,1,1521292116,47,"default_s" -?/default sp -|2,1,1521292096,47,"default sp" -?/tag -|2,1,1521292047,47,"tag" -?/rofi -|2,1,1521058775,47,"rofi" -??. -|2,1,1521008257,63,"." -?/net -|2,1,1521008236,47,"net" -? \ -|2,1,1520967614,,"\\" -?/back -|2,1,1520884992,47,"back" -?/steam -|2,1,1513433796,47,"steam" - -# Historique expression (chronologie décroissante) : - -# Historique ligne de saisie (chronologie décroissante) : - -# Historique Ligne de débogage (chronologie décroissante) : - -# Registres : -"0 LINE 0 - -|3,0,0,1,1,0,1528914900,"" -"1 LINE 0 - - -|3,0,1,1,2,0,1528916276,"","" -"2 LINE 0 - Skip to content - - All gists - GitHub - - New gist - - 147 - - 40 - - @yevgenko yevgenko/.Xdefaults - Created 6 years ago • - Code - Revisions 1 - Stars 147 - Forks 40 - URxvt settings with solarized theme - .Xdefaults - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|3,0,2,1,20,0,1528915867,"Skip to content",""," All gists"," GitHub",""," New gist","","147",""," 40","","@yevgenko yevgenko/.Xdefaults","Created 6 years ago •","Code","Revisions 1","Stars 147","Forks 40","URxvt settings with solarized theme",".Xdefaults","!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -"3 LINE 0 - Skip to content - - All gists - GitHub - - New gist - - 147 - - 40 - - @yevgenko yevgenko/.Xdefaults - Created 6 years ago • - Code - Revisions 1 - Stars 147 - Forks 40 - URxvt settings with solarized theme - .Xdefaults - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ! Xft settings - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - Xft.dpi: 96 - Xft.antialias: true - Xft.rgba: rgb - Xft.hinting: true - Xft.hintstyle: hintslight - - !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -|3,0,3,1,30,0,1528915857,"Skip to content",""," All gists"," GitHub",""," New gist","","147",""," 40","","@yevgenko yevgenko/.Xdefaults","Created 6 years ago •","Code","Revisions 1","Stars 147","Forks 40","URxvt settings with solarized theme",".Xdefaults","!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------","! Xft settings","!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------","",>32 -|<"Xft.dpi: 96","Xft.antialias: true","Xft.rgba: rgb","Xft.hinting: true","Xft.hintstyle: hintslight","","!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" -"4 LINE 0 - # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH - - # Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. - ZSH=/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/ - - # Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to "random" - # it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded. - # See - ZSH_THEME="rkj-repos" - #ZSH_THEME="agnoster" - # Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion. - # CASE_SENSITIVE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case - # sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable. - # HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks. - #DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="false" - - # Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days). - # export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13 - - # Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls. - # DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title. - # DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction. - ENABLE_CORRECTION="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion. - COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" - - # Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files - # under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories - # much, much faster. - # DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY="true" - - # Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time - # stamp shown in the history command output. - # The optional three formats: "mm/dd/yyyy"|""|"yyyy-mm-dd" - # HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy" - - # Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom? - # ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder - - # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) - # Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ -|3,0,4,1,50,0,1528915334,"# export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH","","# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.","ZSH=/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/","","# Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to \"random\"","# it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.","# See","ZSH_THEME=\"rkj-repos\"","#ZSH_THEME=\"agnoster\"",>66 -|<"# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion.","# CASE_SENSITIVE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case","# sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable.","# HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks.","#DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE=\"false\"","","# Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days).",>29 -|<"# export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13","","# Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls.","# DISABLE_LS_COLORS=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.","# DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction."," ENABLE_CORRECTION=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion."," COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS=\"true\"","",>79 -|<"# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files","# under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories","# much, much faster.","# DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time","# stamp shown in the history command output.","# The optional three formats: \"mm/dd/yyyy\"|\"\"|\"yyyy-mm-dd\"","# HIST_STAMPS=\"mm/dd/yyyy\"","",>65 -|<"# Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom?","# ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder","","# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)","# Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/" -"5 LINE 0 - # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. -|3,0,5,1,1,0,1528915333,"# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH." -"6 CHAR 0 - # If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. - # export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH - - # Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. - ZSH=/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/ - - # Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to "random" - # it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded. - # See - ZSH_THEME="rkj-repos" - #ZSH_THEME="agnoster" - # Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion. - # CASE_SENSITIVE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case - # sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable. - # HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks. - #DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="false" - - # Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days). - # export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13 - - # Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls. - # DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title. - # DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction. - ENABLE_CORRECTION="true" - - # Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion. - COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" - - # Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files - # under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories - # much, much faster. - # DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY="true" - - # Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time - # stamp shown in the history command output. - # The optional three formats: "mm/dd/yyyy"|""|"yyyy-mm-dd" - # HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy" - - # Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom? - # ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder - - # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) -|3,0,6,0,50,0,1528914989,"# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.","# export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH","","# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.","ZSH=/usr/share/oh-my-zsh/","","# Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to \"random\"","# it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.","# See","ZSH_THEME=\"rkj-repos\"",>25 -|<"#ZSH_THEME=\"agnoster\"","# Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion.","# CASE_SENSITIVE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. Case","# sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable.","# HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks.","#DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE=\"false\"","",>78 -|<"# Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days).","# export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13","","# Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls.","# DISABLE_LS_COLORS=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.","# DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction."," ENABLE_CORRECTION=\"true\"","",>83 -|<"# Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion."," COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files","# under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories","# much, much faster.","# DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY=\"true\"","","# Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time","# stamp shown in the history command output.",>76 -|<"# The optional three formats: \"mm/dd/yyyy\"|\"\"|\"yyyy-mm-dd\"","# HIST_STAMPS=\"mm/dd/yyyy\"","","# Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom?","# ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder","","# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)" -"7 LINE 0 - # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) -|3,0,7,1,1,0,1528914896,"# Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*)" -"8 LINE 0 - source ~/conf/submodule/tty-solarized/ -|3,0,8,1,1,0,1528136742,"source ~/conf/submodule/tty-solarized/" -"9 LINE 0 - #i3) -|3,0,9,1,1,0,1527618712," #i3)" -""- CHAR 0 - # -|3,1,36,0,1,0,1528917274,"#" - -# Marques dans le fichier : -'0 9 40 ~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml -|4,48,9,40,1528917356,"~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml" -'1 1 0 ~/conf2/NERD_tree_1 -|4,49,1,0,1528917222,"~/conf2/NERD_tree_1" -'2 5 1 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,50,5,1,1528916322,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" -'3 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,51,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" -'4 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,52,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" -'5 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,53,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" -'6 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,54,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" -'7 7 20 ~/conf2/.git/config -|4,55,7,20,1528915782,"~/conf2/.git/config" -'8 7 55 ~/conf2/.git/config -|4,56,7,55,1528915709,"~/conf2/.git/config" -'9 1 23 ~/.zshrc -|4,57,1,23,1528915395,"~/.zshrc" - -# Liste de sauts (le plus récent en premier) : --' 9 40 ~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml -|4,39,9,40,1528917356,"~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml" --' 4 3 ~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml -|4,39,4,3,1528917342,"~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml -|4,39,1,0,1528917270,"~/conf2/beets/.config/beets/config.yaml" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/NERD_tree_1 -|4,39,1,0,1528917222,"~/conf2/NERD_tree_1" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/NERD_tree_1 -|4,39,1,0,1528917222,"~/conf2/NERD_tree_1" --' 5 2 ~/conf2/NERD_tree_1 -|4,39,5,2,1528917214,"~/conf2/NERD_tree_1" --' 5 2 ~/conf2/NERD_tree_1 -|4,39,5,2,1528917214,"~/conf2/NERD_tree_1" --' 5 1 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,5,1,1528916322,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 5 1 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,5,1,1528916322,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 5 1 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,5,1,1528916322,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 5 1 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,5,1,1528916322,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916262,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916262,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916262,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916262,"~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528916120,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 11 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,11,0,1528916114,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 23 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,23,0,1528915861,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 1 0 ~/.Xdefaults -|4,39,1,0,1528915844,"~/.Xdefaults" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config -|4,39,18,13,1528915787,"~/.git/config" --' 18 13 ~/.git/config 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1 0 - + 1 0 - -> ~/conf2/zsh/.Xdefaults - * 1528916319 0 - " 5 1 - ^ 5 2 - . 5 1 - + 1 0 - + 2 0 - + 3 0 - + 4 0 - + 5 0 - + 6 0 - + 7 0 - + 4 1 - + 5 1 - -> ~/.Xdefaults - * 1528916119 0 - " 1 0 - ^ 11 0 - . 10 0 - + 61 0 - + 71 0 - + 115 1 - + 73 0 - + 72 15 - + 100 0 - + 101 0 - + 102 0 - + 104 0 - + 105 0 - + 106 0 - + 108 0 - + 109 0 - + 110 0 - + 112 0 - + 113 0 - + 114 0 - + 115 0 - + 87 0 - + 86 0 - + 76 19 - + 115 0 - + 114 60 - + 43 0 - + 44 33 - + 44 0 - + 44 52 - + 45 0 - + 43 0 - + 44 1 - + 45 0 - + 44 16 - + 1 0 - + 23 32 - + 115 0 - + 128 41 - + 122 89 - + 124 89 - + 31 32 - + 32 27 - + 114 0 - + 69 50 - + 31 31 - + 75 22 - + 76 0 - + 75 14 - + 44 60 - + 13 0 - + 10 0 - -> ~/.git/config - * 1528915786 0 - " 18 13 - -> ~/conf2/.git/config - * 1528915781 0 - " 7 20 - ^ 7 21 - . 7 20 - + 7 20 - k 8 1 - -> ~/.zshrc - * 1528915395 0 - " 1 23 - ^ 1 24 - . 1 23 - + 1 65 - + 1 13 - + 1 23 - + 1 54 - + 1 72 - + 1 40 - + 1 1 - + 1 0 - + 1 18 - + 1 0 - + 1 54 - + 1 28 - + 1 67 - + 1 1 - + 1 0 - + 1 19 - + 1 0 - + 1 48 - + 1 2 - + 1 53 - + 1 21 - + 1 62 - + 1 46 - + 1 26 - + 3 4 - + 1 23 - -> ~/.zshrc.d/prompt - * 1528915311 0 - " 1 14 - ^ 1 15 - . 1 14 - + 14 60 - + 1 14 - -> ~/.zshrc.d/alias - * 1528915227 0 - " 48 0 - ^ 48 0 - . 47 54 - + 47 54 - -> ~/.zshrc.d/oh-my-zsh - * 1528915182 0 - " 93 0 - ^ 93 0 - . 92 0 - + 1 25 - + 1 3 - + 1 0 - + 1 60 - + 92 0 - m 3 0 - -> ~/Documents/script/.git/config - * 1528827433 0 - " 7 72 - ^ 7 73 - . 7 72 - + 7 72 - k 1 5 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-package-query/PKGBUILD - * 1528657221 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.ssh/authorized-keys - * 1528263588 0 - " 1 395 - ^ 1 396 - . 1 395 - + 1 395 - -> ~/Documents/python/.git/config - * 1528228519 0 - " 7 24 - ^ 7 25 - . 7 24 - + 8 1 - + 7 24 - -> ~/.zprofile - * 1528136883 0 - " 1 0 - ^ 1 1 - . 6 42 - + 1 4 - + 1 33 - + 3 1 - + 1 1 - + 6 42 - -> ~/.zlogin - * 1528136877 0 - " 1 0 - ^ 20 0 - . 1 0 - + 1 23 - + 19 2 - + 1 0 - -> ~/.xinitrc - * 1527618732 0 - " 26 0 - ^ 20 10 - . 26 0 - + 14 0 - + 17 0 - + 17 32 - + 17 6 - + 17 40 - + 17 0 - + 17 27 - + 17 3 - + 17 6 - + 17 0 - + 17 17 - + 17 12 - + 32 3 - + 29 9 - + 19 9 - + 17 0 - + 20 51 - + 27 3 - + 19 0 - + 19 7 - + 19 0 - + 33 0 - + 18 0 - + 19 0 - + 20 0 - + 18 0 - + 19 0 - + 20 0 - + 21 0 - + 22 0 - + 23 0 - + 24 0 - + 25 0 - + 26 0 - -> ~/.git/MERGE_MSG - * 1527419070 0 - " 7 0 - ^ 7 0 - . 7 0 - + 8 4 - + 8 40 - + 8 14 - + 7 0 - -> ~/.config/i3/config - * 1527419018 0 - " 238 42 - ^ 238 43 - . 238 42 - + 1 0 - + 205 0 - + 1 0 - + 205 14 - + 236 0 - + 234 57 - + 204 12 - + 205 0 - + 204 12 - + 205 13 - + 185 32 - + 185 5 - + 197 0 - + 187 15 - + 186 38 - + 186 6 - + 187 0 - + 186 33 - + 253 30 - + 186 0 - + 186 5 - + 186 0 - + 17 27 - + 18 51 - + 32 0 - + 18 0 - + 185 0 - + 186 0 - + 187 0 - + 189 0 - + 188 0 - + 190 0 - + 191 0 - + 192 0 - + 193 0 - + 194 0 - + 195 0 - + 196 0 - + 197 0 - + 252 78 - + 252 9 - + 252 0 - + 185 0 - + 197 0 - + 185 0 - + 252 58 - + 201 17 - + 200 0 - + 199 0 - + 39 143 - + 39 142 - + 39 0 - + 33 29 - + 207 11 - + 206 11 - + 13 0 - + 250 36 - + 207 11 - + 259 0 - + 250 43 - + 250 30 - + 96 19 - + 96 0 - + 41 113 - + 41 0 - + 95 19 - + 124 0 - + 183 0 - + 244 47 - + 237 12 - + 242 73 - + 172 19 - + 246 25 - + 104 11 - + 109 0 - + 234 19 - + 235 35 - + 234 28 - + 35 30 - + 240 45 - + 161 57 - + 162 57 - + 163 57 - + 164 57 - + 165 57 - + 166 57 - + 161 0 - + 162 0 - + 161 56 - + 162 56 - + 163 56 - + 164 56 - + 165 56 - + 166 56 - + 189 0 - + 237 42 - + 238 42 - + 41 108 - + 237 42 - + 238 42 - a 197 0 - l 203 10 - -> ~/.config/i3/i3exit - * 1523811801 0 - " 10 13 - ^ 10 14 - . 10 13 - + 34 5 - + 10 13 - -> ~/.config/polybar/config - * 1523554134 0 - " 193 28 - ^ 193 29 - . 193 28 - + 10 13 - + 1 0 - + 10 20 - + 27 13 - + 13 13 - + 12 13 - + 28 0 - + 29 0 - + 1 143 - + 7 9 - + 91 37 - + 94 36 - + 98 40 - + 99 39 - + 91 35 - + 98 38 - + 99 37 - + 94 34 - + 26 13 - + 141 38 - + 116 39 - + 26 13 - + 123 38 - + 19 16 - + 33 10 - + 51 24 - + 51 22 - + 52 22 - + 44 8 - + 347 0 - + 348 0 - + 349 0 - + 350 0 - + 358 21 - + 202 25 - + 225 17 - + 216 9 - + 217 9 - + 218 9 - + 226 0 - + 229 0 - + 250 42 - + 176 19 - + 200 36 - + 193 26 - + 194 0 - + 195 0 - + 196 0 - + 197 0 - + 198 0 - + 199 0 - + 193 26 - + 179 16 - + 185 0 - + 184 0 - + 183 0 - + 182 0 - + 181 0 - + 180 0 - + 179 0 - + 187 0 - + 186 0 - + 60 48 - + 280 1 - + 274 16 - + 268 28 - + 268 0 - + 60 48 - + 267 27 - + 289 36 - + 267 44 - + 367 27 - + 382 38 - + 314 0 - + 314 22 - + 330 16 - + 324 18 - + 327 19 - + 328 16 - + 329 16 - + 330 16 - + 60 36 - + 392 36 - + 394 37 - + 163 0 - + 173 21 - + 144 20 - + 193 26 - + 194 0 - + 195 0 - + 196 0 - + 197 0 - + 198 0 - + 199 0 - + 200 0 - + 201 0 - + 200 0 - + 59 0 - + 200 0 - + 193 28 - m 285 16 - n 287 13 - -> ~/.config/rofi/config - * 1523477939 0 - " 189 0 - ^ 189 0 - . 188 1 - + 188 1 - -> ~/.config/rofi/config2 - * 1523477485 0 - " 144 0 - ^ 144 0 - . 143 1 - + 143 1 - -> ~/.config/dunstrc - * 1523476256 0 - " 285 0 - ^ 285 0 - . 284 13 - + 1 7 - + 1 8 - + 1 12 - + 1 0 - + 1 17 - + 1 18 - + 1 13 - + 1 4 - + 1 0 - + 1 9 - + 1 0 - + 237 46 - + 1 121 - + 284 13 - -> ~/.ncmpcpp/config - * 1523471574 0 - " 3 22 - ^ 3 23 - . 3 22 - + 33 0 - + 48 0 - + 49 0 - + 50 0 - + 51 0 - + 52 0 - + 53 0 - + 191 29 - + 177 0 - + 323 1 - + 396 0 - + 41 26 - + 2 1 - + 6 0 - + 7 0 - + 3 22 - -> /etc/issue - * 1523470678 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/conf2/script/customOhMyZsh.zsh - * 1522695225 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/conf2/script/ - * 1522695192 0 - " 1 0 - . 1 0 - + 1 0 - -> ~/.config/config - * 1522260510 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.gitmodules - * 1522176696 0 - " 5 22 - ^ 5 23 - . 5 23 - + 2 22 - + 5 23 - -> ~/dotfile/script/ - * 1521574015 0 - " 4 9 - ^ 4 10 - . 4 9 - + 4 9 - -> ~/.ncmpcpp/bindings - * 1521280056 0 - " 272 0 - -> /etc/mpd.conf - * 1521279634 0 - " 13 19 - -> ~/.config/i3/i3 - * 1521061883 0 - " 1 0 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-visual-studio-code-bin/PKGBUILD - * 1521059863 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.config/polybar/ - * 1521057075 0 - " 9 1 - ^ 9 2 - . 9 2 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1519931897 0 - " 13 31 - -> ~/conf/customOhMyZsh.zsh - * 1519588140 0 - " 4 66 - ^ 2 15 - . 4 66 - + 1 40 - + 3 72 - + 4 68 - + 1 2 - + 3 57 - + 4 71 - + 1 33 - + 2 15 - + 3 53 - + 4 66 - j 3 16 - k 2 14 - l 1 2 - m 1 17 - -> ~/conf/ - * 1519587387 0 - " 3 67 - ^ 3 134 - . 3 67 - + 3 0 - + 3 67 - -> /etc/locale.gen - * 1519584599 0 - " 175 0 - -> /etc/locale.conf - * 1519584376 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.config/powerline/config.json - * 1519583947 0 - " 28 27 - ^ 28 28 - . 28 27 - + 20 27 - + 21 22 - + 20 27 - + 32 27 - + 20 25 - + 32 25 - + 28 27 - l 19 11 - m 18 3 - -> ~/conf/ - * 1519572104 0 - " 1 47 - ^ 1 48 - . 1 48 - + 9 11 - + 1 0 - + 2 0 - + 1 48 - -> ~/conf/ - * 1519572016 0 - " 6 0 - . 6 0 - + 6 0 - -> ~/.config/terminator/config - * 1519571426 0 - " 23 16 - ^ 23 5 - . 23 4 - + 27 0 - + 23 4 - -> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/powerline/config_files/themes/shell/.zshrc - * 1519570213 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.tmux.conf - * 1519568246 0 - " 94 0 - ^ 94 1 - . 94 1 - + 66 0 - + 81 42 - + 89 0 - + 90 0 - + 91 0 - + 92 0 - + 93 25 - + 93 79 - + 67 0 - + 68 0 - + 69 0 - + 70 0 - + 71 0 - + 72 0 - + 73 0 - + 74 0 - + 75 0 - + 76 0 - + 77 0 - + 78 0 - + 80 0 - + 81 0 - + 82 0 - + 83 0 - + 84 0 - + 85 0 - + 86 0 - + 87 0 - + 88 0 - + 93 0 - + 92 0 - + 93 0 - + 92 0 - + 94 0 - + 93 0 - + 95 0 - + 94 1 - -> ~/.vimrc - * 1519565881 0 - " 107 11 - ^ 107 12 - . 107 11 - + 107 11 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-google-chrome/PKGBUILD - * 1517752926 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.Xresources - * 1517748525 0 - " 27 16 - ^ 56 17 - . 56 16 - + 56 16 - -> /mnt/diskstation/web/cellar/api/index.php - * 1517168166 0 - " 123 17 - ^ 123 18 - . 123 17 - + 122 13 - + 123 17 - -> ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ - * 1517163710 0 - " 20 27 - ^ 38 39 - . 38 39 - + 38 41 - + 38 39 - -> ~/Documents/grub2-themes/grub-themes-vimix/Install - * 1515939773 0 - " 8 30 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-powershell/PKGBUILD - * 1515698844 0 - " 21 0 - ^ 2 1 - . 2 0 - + 2 0 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-powershell/powershell.install - * 1515698806 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/.config/beets/config.yaml - * 1514120258 0 - " 2 10 - ^ 2 33 - . 2 10 - + 2 10 - -> /etc/gnome/defaults.list - * 1514116805 0 - " 1 0 - -> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-vincent/aur-numix-icon-theme-git/PKGBUILD - * 1513436460 0 - " 1 0 - -> ~/conf/l - * 1513433798 0 - " 99 0 - ^ 33 6 - . 99 0 - + 1 0 - + 2 0 - + 3 0 - + 8 0 - + 11 0 - + 14 0 - + 15 0 - + 16 0 - + 19 0 - + 20 0 - + 21 0 - + 24 0 - + 25 0 - + 26 0 - + 27 0 - + 32 0 - + 33 0 - + 34 0 - + 33 6 - + 35 0 - + 36 0 - + 40 0 - + 46 0 - + 48 0 - + 52 0 - + 54 0 - + 57 0 - + 63 0 - + 65 0 - + 69 0 - + 71 0 - + 78 0 - + 79 0 - + 80 0 - + 81 0 - + 82 0 - + 85 0 - + 91 0 - + 92 0 - + 93 0 - + 94 0 - + 95 0 - + 97 0 - + 99 0 - + 100 0 - + 101 0 - + 102 0 - + 103 0 - + 105 0 - + 107 0 - + 108 0 - + 110 0 - + 99 0 - -> ~/conf/packet_zen-laptop - * 1513432496 0 - " 2 0