update oh my zsh

This commit is contained in:
vincent 2020-02-08 08:57:16 +01:00
parent 958d14152d
commit 06ec3a3679
25 changed files with 723 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
name: Check Suite
- opened
- synchronize
- master
- master
name: Run tests
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest]
- name: Set up git repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Install zsh
if: runner.os == 'Linux'
run: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install zsh
- name: Test installer
run: sh ./tools/install.sh
- name: Check syntax
run: |
for file in ./oh-my-zsh.sh \
./lib/*.zsh \
./plugins/*/*.plugin.zsh \
./plugins/*/_* \
./themes/*.zsh-theme; do
zsh -n "$file" || return 1

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# codeclimate plugin
This plugin adds autocompletion for the [`codeclimate` CLI](https://github.com/codeclimate/codeclimate).
To use it, add `codeclimate` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... codeclimate)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# .NET Core CLI plugin
This plugin provides completion and useful aliases for [.NET Core CLI](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/).
To use it, add `dotnet` to the plugins array in your zshrc file.
plugins=(... dotnet)
## Aliases
| Alias | Command | Description |
| dn | dotnet new | Create a new .NET project or file. |
| dr | dotnet run | Build and run a .NET project output. |
| dt | dotnet test | Run unit tests using the test runner specified in a .NET project. |
| ds | dotnet sln | Modify Visual Studio solution files. |
| da | dotnet add | Add a package or reference to a .NET project. |
| dp | dotnet pack | Create a NuGet package. |
| dng | dotnet nuget | Provides additional NuGet commands. |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Aliases and Completions for .NET Core (https://dotnet.microsoft.com/) #
# Author: Shaun Tabone (https://github.com/xontab) #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Helper function to cache and load completions
local cache_base_path="${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/dotnet_"
_dotnet_cache_completion() {
local cache="${cache_base_path}$(echo $1)_completion"
if [[ ! -f $cache ]]; then
$2 $cache
[[ -f $cache ]] && cat $cache
_dotnet_cache_completion_cleanup() {
local cache="${cache_base_path}$(echo $1)_completion"
rm -f $cache
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# dotnet new #
# ALIAS: dn #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
_dotnet_new_completion() {
if [ $commands[dotnet] ]; then
dotnet new -l | tail -n +21 | sed 's/ \+/:/g' | cut -d : -f 2 >$1
_dotnet_new_completion_cached() {
_dotnet_cache_completion 'new' _dotnet_new_completion
_dotnet_cache_completion_cleanup 'new'
alias dn='dotnet new'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# dotnet #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
_dotnet() {
if [ $CURRENT -eq 2 ]; then
_arguments \
'--diagnostics[Enable diagnostic output.]' \
'--help[Show command line help.]' \
'--info[Display .NET Core information.]' \
'--list-runtimes[Display the installed runtimes.]' \
'--list-sdks[Display the installed SDKs.]' \
'--version[Display .NET Core SDK version in use.]'
_values \
'add[Add a package or reference to a .NET project.]' \
'build[Build a .NET project.]' \
'build-server[Interact with servers started by a build.]' \
'clean[Clean build outputs of a .NET project.]' \
'help[Show command line help.]' \
'list[List project references of a .NET project.]' \
'msbuild[Run Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) commands.]' \
'new[Create a new .NET project or file.]' \
'nuget[Provides additional NuGet commands.]' \
'pack[Create a NuGet package.]' \
'publish[Publish a .NET project for deployment.]' \
'remove[Remove a package or reference from a .NET project.]' \
'restore[Restore dependencies specified in a .NET project.]' \
'run[Build and run a .NET project output.]' \
'sln[Modify Visual Studio solution files.]' \
'store[Store the specified assemblies in the runtime package store.]' \
'test[Run unit tests using the test runner specified in a .NET project.]' \
'tool[Install or manage tools that extend the .NET experience.]' \
'vstest[Run Microsoft Test Engine (VSTest) commands.]' \
'dev-certs[Create and manage development certificates.]' \
'fsi[Start F# Interactive / execute F# scripts.]' \
'sql-cache[SQL Server cache command-line tools.]' \
'user-secrets[Manage development user secrets.]' \
'watch[Start a file watcher that runs a command when files change.]'
if [ $CURRENT -eq 3 ]; then
case ${words[2]} in
compadd -X ".NET Installed Templates" $(_dotnet_new_completion_cached)
_values \
'add[Add one or more projects to a solution file.]' \
'list[List all projects in a solution file.]' \
'remove[Remove one or more projects from a solution file.]'
_values \
'delete[Deletes a package from the server.]' \
'locals[Clears or lists local NuGet resources such as http requests cache, packages folder, plugin operations cache or machine-wide global packages folder.]' \
'push[Pushes a package to the server and publishes it.]'
_arguments '*::arguments: _normal'
compdef _dotnet dotnet
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Other Aliases #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
alias dr='dotnet run'
alias dt='dotnet test'
alias ds='dotnet sln'
alias da='dotnet add'
alias dp='dotnet pack'
alias dng='dotnet nuget'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# Fastfile plugin
This plugin adds a way to reference certain files or folders used frequently using
a global alias or shortcut.
To use it, add `fastfile` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... fastfile)
## Usage
Example: you access folder `/code/project/backend/database` very frequently.
First, generate a shortcut with the name `pjdb`:
$ fastfile pjdb /code/project/backend/database
Next time you want to access it, use `§pjdb`. For example:
$ cd §pjdb
$ subl §pjdb
where § is the fastfile prefix (see [below](#options) for how to change).
**Note:** shortcuts with spaces in the name are assigned a global alias
where the spaces have been substituted with underscores (`_`). For example:
a shortcut named `"hello world"` corresponds with `§hello_world`.
## Functions
- `fastfile <shortcut_name> <path/to/file/or/folder>`: generate a shortcut.
- `fastfile_print <shortcut_name>`: prints a shortcut, with the format
`<prefix><shortcut_name> -> <shortcut_path>`.
- `fastfile_ls`: lists all shortcuts.
- `fastfile_rm <shortcut_name> `: remove a shortcut.
- `fastfile_sync`: generates the global aliases for the shortcuts.
### Internal functions
- `fastfile_resolv <shortcut_name>`: resolves the location of the shortcut
file, i.e., the file in the fastfile directory where the shortcut path
is stored.
- `fastfile_get <shortcut_name>`: get the real path of the shortcut.
## Aliases
| Alias | Function |
| ff | `fastfile` |
| ffp | `fastfile_print` |
| ffrm | `fastfile_rm` |
| ffls | `fastfile_ls` |
| ffsync | `fastfile_sync` |
## Options
These are options you can set to change certain parts of the plugin. To change
them, add `<variable>=<value>` to your zshrc file, before Oh My Zsh is sourced.
For example: `fastfile_var_prefix='@'`.
- `fastfile_var_prefix`: prefix for the global aliases created. Controls the prefix of the
created global aliases.
**Default:** `§` (section sign), easy to type in a german keyboard via the combination
[`⇧ Shift`+`3`](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_keyboard_layout#/media/File:KB_Germany.svg),
or using `⌥ Option`+`6` in macOS.
- `fastfile_dir`: directory where the fastfile shortcuts are stored. Needs to end
with a trailing slash.
**Default:** `$HOME/.fastfile/`.
## Author
- [Karolin Varner](https://github.com/koraa)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# FirewallD Plugin
This plugin adds some aliases and functions for FirewallD using the `firewalld-cmd` command. To use it, add firewalld to your plugins array.
plugins=(... firewalld)
## Aliases
| Alias | Command | Description |
| :---- | :----------------------------------------- | :--------------------------- |
| fw | `sudo firewall-cmd` | Shorthand |
| fwr | `sudo firewall-cmd --reload` | Reload current configuration |
| fwp | `sudo firewall-cmd --permanent` | Create permanent rule |
| fwrp | `sudo firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent` | Save current configuration |
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| :------- | :--------------------------------------------------------- |
| fwl | Lists configuration from all active zones and direct rules |

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Gas plugin
This plugin adds autocompletion for the [gas](http://walle.github.com/gas) command,
a utility to manage Git authors.
To use it, add `gas` to the plugins array of your zshrc file:
plugins=(... gas)

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# glassfish
The glassfish plugin adds completion for the `asadmin` utility, a command to manage
[Oracle GlassFish](https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E18930_01/html/821-2416/giobi.html) servers.
To use it, add `glassfish` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... glassfish)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# gnu-utils plugin
This plugin binds GNU coreutils to their default names, so that you don't have
to call them using their prefixed name, which starts with `g`. This is useful
in systems which don't have GNU coreutils installed by default, mainly macOS
or FreeBSD, which use BSD coreutils.
To use it, add `gnu-utils` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... gnu-utils)
The plugin works by changing the path that the command hash points to, so
instead of `ls` pointing to `/bin/ls`, it points to wherever `gls` is
Since `hash -rf` or `rehash` refreshes the command hashes, it also wraps
`hash` and `rehash` so that the coreutils binding is always done again
after calling these two commands.
Look at the source code of the plugin to see which GNU coreutils are tried
to rebind. Open an issue if there are some missing.
## Other methods
The plugin also documents two other ways to do this:
1. Using a function wrapper, such that, for example, there exists a function
named `ls` which calls `gls` instead. Since functions have a higher preference
than commands, this ends up calling the GNU coreutil. It has also a higher
preference over shell builtins (`gecho` is called instead of the builtin `echo`).
2. Using an alias. This has an even higher preference than functions, but they
could be overridden because of a user setting.
## Author
- [Sorin Ionescu](https://github.com/sorin-ionescu).

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# hitokoto plugin
Displays a random quote taken from [hitokoto.cn](https://v1.hitokoto.cn/)
Created by [Sinrimin](https://github.com/sinrimin)
## Usage
Add the plugin to the plugins array in your zshrc file and restart zsh:
plugins=(... hitokoto)
Then, run `hitokoto` to get a new random quote.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
if ! (( $+commands[curl] )); then
echo "hitokoto plugin needs curl to work" >&2
function hitokoto {
emulate -L zsh
Q=$(curl -s --connect-timeout 2 "https://v1.hitokoto.cn" | jq -j '.hitokoto+"\t"+.from')
TXT=$(echo "$Q" | awk -F '\t' '{print $1}')
WHO=$(echo "$Q" | awk -F '\t' '{print $2}')
[[ -n "$WHO" && -n "$TXT" ]] && print -P "%F{3}${WHO}%f: “%F{5}${TXT}%f”"

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# Ionic plugin
This plugin adds completion for the [Ionic CLI](https://ionicframework.com/docs/cli),
as well as some aliases for common Ionic commands.
To use it, add `ionic` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... ionic)
## Aliases
| Alias | Command | Description |
| iv | `ionic --version` | Check Ionic version |
| ih | `ionic --help` | Ionic help command |
| ist | `ionic start` | Create a new project |
| ii | `ionic info` | Print system/environment info |
| is | `ionic serve` | Start a local dev server for app dev/testing |
| icba | `ionic cordova build android` | Build web assets and prepare app for android platform targets |
| icbi | `ionic cordova build ios` | Build web assets and prepare app for ios platform targets |
| icra | `ionic cordova run android` | Run an Ionic project on a connected android device |
| icri | `ionic cordova run ios` | Run an Ionic project on a connected ios device |
| icrsa | `ionic cordova resources android` | Automatically create icon and splash screen resources for android|
| icrsi | `ionic cordova resources ios` | Automatically create icon and splash screen resources for ios |
| icpaa | `ionic cordova platform add android` | Add Cordova android platform targets |
| icpai | `ionic cordova platform add ios` | Add Cordova ios platform targets |
| icpra | `ionic cordova platform rm android` | Remove Cordova platform targets |
| icpri | `ionic cordova platform rm ios` | Remove Cordova platform targets |

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
alias iv="ionic --version"
alias ih="ionic --help"
alias ist="ionic start"
alias ii="ionic info"
alias is="ionic serve"
alias icba="ionic cordova build android"
alias icbi="ionic cordova build ios"
alias icra="ionic cordova run android"
alias icri="ionic cordova run ios"
alias icrsa="ionic cordova resources android"
alias icrsi="ionic cordova resources ios"
alias icpaa="ionic cordova platform add android"
alias icpai="ionic cordova platform add ios"
alias icpra="ionic cordova platform rm android"
alias icpri="ionic cordova platform rm ios"

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# knife plugin
This plugin adds completion for [knife](https://docs.chef.io/knife.html), a command-line tool
to interact with [Chef](https://chef.io), a platform to automate and manage infrastructure via
To use it, add `knife` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... knife)
## Options
- `KNIFE_RELATIVE_PATH`: if set to `true`, the completion script will look for local cookbooks
under the `cookbooks` folder in the chef root directory. It has preference over the other two
options below. **Default:** empty.
- `KNIFE_COOKBOOK_PATH`: if set, it points to the folder that contains local cookbooks, for
example: `/path/to/my/chef/cookbooks`. **Default:** `cookbook_path` field in `knife.rb`
(see below).
- `KNIFE_CONF_PATH`: variable pointing to the `knife.rb` configuration file, for example
`/path/to/my/.chef/knife.rb`. Only used if `$KNIFE_COOKBOOK_PATH` isn't set. If it exists,
`$PWD/.chef/knife.rb` is used instead. Otherwise, if it's set, its value is used.
**Default**: `$HOME/.chef/knife.rb`.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# knife_ssh plugin
This plugin adds a `knife_ssh` function as well as completion for it, to allow
connecting via ssh to servers managed with [Chef](https://www.chef.io/).
To use it, add `knife_ssh` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... knife_ssh)
The plugin creates a cache of the Chef node list via `knife`, and stores it
in `$HOME/.knife_comp~`, when first triggering knife_ssh completion.
**Requirements:** `knife` has to be installed.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
## Magic Enter plugin
This plugin makes your enter key magical, by binding commonly used commands to it.
To use it, add `magic-enter` to the plugins array in your zshrc file. You can set the
commands to be run in your .zshrc, before the line containing plugins. If no command
is specified in a git directory, `git status` is executed; in other directories, `ls`.
# defaults
MAGIC_ENTER_GIT_COMMAND='git status -u .'
plugins=(... magic-enter)
**Maintainer:** [@dufferzafar](https://github.com/dufferzafar)

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# MicroK8s plugin
This plugin provides completion and useful aliases for [MicroK8s](https://microk8s.io/).
To use it, add `microk8s` to the plugins array in your zshrc file.
plugins=(... microk8s)
## Aliases
| Alias | Command | Description |
| mco | microk8s.config | Shows the Kubernetes config file. |
| mct | microk8s.ctr | Interact with containerd CLI. |
| mdi | microk8s.disable | Disables an addon. |
| me | microk8s.enable | Enables an addon. |
| mh | microk8s.helm | Interact with Helm CLI. |
| mis | microk8s.istio | Interact with Istio CLI. |
| mk | microk8s.kubectl | Interact with Kubernetes CLI. |
| msp | microk8s.stop | Stops all Kubernetes services. |
| mst | microk8s.start | Starts MicroK8s after it is being stopped. |
| msts | microk8s.status | Provides an overview of the MicroK8s state (running / not running) as well as the set of enabled addons. |

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Aliases and Completions for MicroK8s (https://microk8s.io) #
# Author: Shaun Tabone (https://github.com/xontab) #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Helper function to cache and load completions
_microk8s_cache_completion() {
local cache="${ZSH_CACHE_DIR}/microk8s_$(echo $1)_completion"
if [[ ! -f $cache ]]; then
$2 $cache
[[ -f $cache ]] && source $cache
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# microk8s.enable #
# ALIAS: me #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
_microk8s_enable_get_command_list() {
microk8s.enable --help | tail -n +7 | awk '{$1=$1;print}'
_microk8s_enable() {
compadd -X "MicroK8s Addons" $(_microk8s_enable_get_command_list)
compdef _microk8s_enable microk8s.enable
alias me='microk8s.enable'
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# microk8s.disable #
# ALIAS: mdi #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
_microk8s_disable_get_command_list() {
microk8s.disable --help | tail -n +7 | awk '{$1=$1;print}'
_microk8s_disable() {
compadd -X "MicroK8s Addons" $(_microk8s_disable_get_command_list)
compdef _microk8s_disable microk8s.disable
alias mdi='microk8s.disable'
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# microk8s.kubectl #
# ALIAS: mk #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
_microk8s_kubectl_completion() {
if [ $commands[microk8s.kubectl] ]; then
microk8s.kubectl 2>/dev/null >/dev/null && microk8s.kubectl completion zsh | sed 's/__start_kubectl kubectl/__start_kubectl microk8s.kubectl/g' >$1
_microk8s_cache_completion 'kubectl' _microk8s_kubectl_completion
alias mk='microk8s.kubectl'
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# microk8s.helm #
# ALIAS: mh #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
_microk8s_helm_completion() {
if [ $commands[microk8s.helm] ]; then
microk8s.helm completion zsh | sed 's/__start_helm helm/__start_helm microk8s.helm/g' >$1
_microk8s_cache_completion 'helm' _microk8s_helm_completion
alias mh='microk8s.helm'
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
# Other Aliases #
# ---------------------------------------------------------- #
alias mco='microk8s.config'
alias mct='microk8s.ctr'
alias mis='microk8s.istio'
alias mst='microk8s.start'
alias msts='microk8s.status'
alias msp='microk8s.stop'

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# otp plugin
This plugin allows you to create one-time passwords using [`oathtool`](https://www.nongnu.org/oath-toolkit/man-oathtool.html),
able to replace MFA devices. The oathtool key is kept in a GPG-encrypted file so the codes
can only be generated by a user able to decrypt it.
To use it, add `otp` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... otp)
Provided aliases:
- `otp_add_device`: creates a new encrypted storage for an oathtool key and stores it
on the disk. For encrypting the key, it will ask for a GPG user ID (your GPG key's
email address). Then the OTP key needs to be pasted, followed by a CTRL+D character
inserted on an empty line.
- `ot`: generates a MFA code based on the given key and copies it to the clipboard
(on Linux it relies on xsel, on MacOS X it uses pbcopy instead).
The plugin uses `$HOME/.otp` to store its internal files.

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Paver
This plugin adds completion for the `paver` command-line tool of [Paver](https://pythonhosted.org/Paver/).
To use it, add `paver` to the plugins array of your zshrc file:
plugins=(... paver)
The completion function creates a cache of paver tasks with the name `.paver_tasks`,
in the current working directory. It regenerates that cache when the `pavement.py`

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# rbfu plugin
This plugin starts [rbfu](https://github.com/hmans/rbfu), a minimal Ruby version
manager, and adds some useful functions.
To use it, add `rbfu` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... rbfu)
**Note: `rbfu` is deprecated and should no longer be used.**
## Functions
- `rbfu-rubies`: lists all installed rubies available to rbfu.
- `rvm_prompt_info`: shows the Ruby version being used with rbfu.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Roswell Plugin
This plugin adds completions and aliases for [Roswell](https://github.com/roswell/roswell/).
To use it, add `ros` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... ros)

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# "Search files for Front-End"
This plugin adds a few functions for searching files used in Front-End web development.
To use it, add `sfffe` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... sfffe)
**Requires:** `ack`
## Functions
- `ajs`: look for string in `.js` files.
- `acss`: look for string in `.css` files.
- `fjs`: search for `.js` files under the current working directory.
- `fcss`: search for `.css` files under the current working directory.

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# svn-fast-info plugin
Faster alternative to the main SVN plugin implementation. Works with svn 1.6 and newer.
Use as a drop-in replacement to the svn plugin, not as complementary.
To use it, add `svn-fast-info` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... svn-fast-info)
It's faster because his efficient use of svn (single svn call) which saves a lot on a huge codebase
It displays the current status of the local files (added, deleted, modified, replaced, or else...)
Use `svn_prompt_info` method to display the svn repository status in your theme.
## Functions
- `svn_prompt_info`: displays all the available information regarding the status of the svn repository.
- `svn_repo_need_upgrade`: shows whether the repository needs upgrading. `svn_prompt_info` queries the
rest of functions or not based on the result of this function.
- `svn_current_branch_name`: shows the current branch.
- `svn_repo_root_name`: displays the repository root.
- `svn_current_revision`: shows the currently checked-out revision.
- `svn_status_info`: shows a bunch of symbols depending on the status of the files in the repository.
## Options
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_PREFIX`: sequence displayed at the beginning of the prompt info output.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_SUFFIX`: sequence displayed at the end of the prompt info output.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_CLEAN`: sequence displayed when the status of the repository is clean.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_ADDITIONS`: sequence displayed if there are added files in the repository.
**Default:** `+`.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_DELETIONS`: sequence displayed if there are deleted files in the repository.
**Default:** `✖`.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_MODIFICATIONS`: sequence displayed if there are modified files in the repository.
**Default:** `✎`.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_REPLACEMENTS`: sequence displayed if there are replaced files in the repository.
**Default:** `∿`.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_UNTRACKED`: sequence displayed if there are untracked files in the repository.
**Default:** `?`.
- `ZSH_THEME_SVN_PROMPT_DIRTY`: sequence displayed if the repository is dirty.
**Default:** `!`.

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# tmux-cssh plugin
This plugin adds autocompletion for [`tmux-cssh`](https://github.com/zinic/tmux-cssh/).
To use it, add `tmux-cssh` to the plugins array in your zshrc file:
plugins=(... tmux-cssh)
First upstream repo, now disappeared: https://github.com/dennishafemann/tmux-cssh.