# Rewrite Git History ## Changing the Last Commit If you want to modify your last commit message: `git commit --amend` ## Rewrite multiple Commit for that you need to use rebase in interactive mode like this: ` git rebase -i HEAD^3 ` this will open an editor wit list of commit you need to modiy this with needed action to do ### Reordering Commit ON this editor you can invert line to change commit order, git will reaply commit in wew order ### Squash & fixup commit **Squash** option will merge will merge xommit with the previous and ad commit message in the new commit message **Fixup** do same thing put forgot commit message ### Splitting a Commit you can do that with **edit** command git rebase will stop after apply commit where you hae put edit ad this moment you can process to a Head reset and commit when you want to add commit modification like ewample below ```sh git reset HEAD^ git add README git commit -m 'Update README formatting' git add lib/simplegit.rb git commit -m 'Add blame' git rebase --continue ``` ### delete **drop** will delete comite rebase will not apply modification during processing to use by example if you have done a modifcation and a revert