Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
Current supported features are:
- browsing (by folders or tags)
- streaming of various audio file formats
- transcoding
- user or random playlists
- cover art
- starred tracks/albums and ratings
- Last.FM scrobbling
- Jukebox mode
Supysonic currently targets the version 1.10.2 of the Subsonic API. For more details, go check the API implementation status.
Full documentation is available at
Use the following commands to install Supysonic, create an admin user, define a library folder, scan it and start serving on port 5722 using Gunicorn.
$ pip install git+
$ pip install gunicorn
$ supysonic-cli user add MyUserName
$ supysonic-cli user setroles --admin MyUserName
$ supysonic-cli folder add MyLibrary /home/username/Music
$ supysonic-cli folder scan MyLibrary
$ supysonic-server
You should now be able to enjoy your music with the client of your choice!
But using only the above commands will use a default configuration and especially storing the database in a temporary directory. Head over to the documentaiton for full setup instructions, plus other options if you don't want to use Gunicorn.
Note that there's also an optional daemon that watches for library changes and provides support for other features such as the jukebox mode.
Development stuff
For those wishing to collaborate on the project, since Supysonic uses Flask you can use its development server which provides automatic reloading and in-browser debugging among other things. To start said server:
$ export FLASK_APP="supysonic.web:create_application()"
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
And there's also the tests:
$ python test
$ python test --test-suite tests.with_net