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# coding: utf-8
# This file is part of Supysonic.
# Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
# Copyright (C) 2013 Alban 'spl0k' Féron
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from flask import request
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import simplejson
import uuid
import config
from web import app
from managers.user import UserManager
def set_formatter():
if not request.path.startswith('/rest/'):
"""Return a function to create the response."""
(f, callback) = map(request.args.get, ['f', 'callback'])
if f == 'jsonp':
# Some clients (MiniSub, Perisonic) set f to jsonp without callback for streamed data
if not callback and request.endpoint not in [ 'stream_media', 'cover_art' ]:
return ResponseHelper.responsize_json({
'error': {
'code': 0,
'message': 'Missing callback'
}, error = True), 400
request.formatter = lambda x, **kwargs: ResponseHelper.responsize_jsonp(x, callback, kwargs)
elif f == "json":
request.formatter = ResponseHelper.responsize_json
request.formatter = ResponseHelper.responsize_xml
request.error_formatter = lambda code, msg: request.formatter({ 'error': { 'code': code, 'message': msg } }, error = True)
def authorize():
if not request.path.startswith('/rest/'):
error = request.error_formatter(40, 'Unauthorized'), 401
if request.authorization:
status, user = UserManager.try_auth(request.authorization.username, request.authorization.password)
if status == UserManager.SUCCESS:
request.username = request.authorization.username
request.user = user
(username, password) = map(request.args.get, [ 'u', 'p' ])
if not username or not password:
return error
status, user = UserManager.try_auth(username, password)
if status != UserManager.SUCCESS:
return error
request.username = username
request.user = user
def set_content_type(response):
if not request.path.startswith('/rest/'):
return response
if response.mimetype.startswith('text'):
f = request.args.get('f')
response.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json' if f in [ 'jsonp', 'json' ] else 'text/xml'
return response
def not_found(error):
if not request.path.startswith('/rest/'):
return error
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Not implemented'), 501
class ResponseHelper:
def responsize_json(ret, error = False, version = "1.8.0"):
def check_lists(d):
for key, value in d.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
d[key] = check_lists(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
if len(value) == 0:
del d[key]
d[key] = [ check_lists(item) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in value ]
return d
ret = check_lists(ret)
# add headers to response
'status': 'failed' if error else 'ok',
'version': version,
'xmlns': "http://subsonic.org/restapi"
return simplejson.dumps({ 'subsonic-response': ret }, indent = True, encoding = 'utf-8')
def responsize_jsonp(ret, callback, error = False, version = "1.8.0"):
return "%s(%s)" % (callback, ResponseHelper.responsize_json(ret, error, version))
def responsize_xml(ret, error = False, version = "1.8.0"):
"""Return an xml response from json and replace unsupported characters."""
'status': 'failed' if error else 'ok',
'version': version,
'xmlns': "http://subsonic.org/restapi"
elem = ElementTree.Element('subsonic-response')
ResponseHelper.dict2xml(elem, ret)
return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' + ElementTree.tostring(elem, 'utf-8')
def dict2xml(elem, dictionary):
"""Convert a json structure to xml. The game is trivial. Nesting uses the [] parenthesis.
ex. { 'musicFolder': {'id': 1234, 'name': "sss" } }
ex. { 'musicFolder': [{'id': 1234, 'name': "sss" }, {'id': 456, 'name': "aaa" }]}
ex. { 'musicFolders': {'musicFolder' : [{'id': 1234, 'name': "sss" }, {'id': 456, 'name': "aaa" }] } }
ex. { 'index': [{'name': 'A', 'artist': [{'id': '517674445', 'name': 'Antonello Venditti'}] }] }
ex. {"subsonic-response": { "musicFolders": {"musicFolder": [{ "id": 0,"name": "Music"}]},
"status": "ok","version": "1.7.0","xmlns": "http://subsonic.org/restapi"}}
if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):
raise TypeError('Expecting a dict')
if not all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, basestring), dictionary.keys())):
raise TypeError('Dictionary keys must be strings')
subelems = { k: v for k, v in dictionary.iteritems() if isinstance(v, dict) }
sequences = { k: v for k, v in dictionary.iteritems() if isinstance(v, list) }
attributes = { k: v for k, v in dictionary.iteritems() if k != '_value_' and k not in subelems and k not in sequences }
if '_value_' in dictionary:
elem.text = ResponseHelper.value_tostring(dictionary['_value_'])
for attr, value in attributes.iteritems():
elem.set(attr, ResponseHelper.value_tostring(value))
for sub, subdict in subelems.iteritems():
subelem = ElementTree.SubElement(elem, sub)
ResponseHelper.dict2xml(subelem, subdict)
for seq, dicts in sequences.iteritems():
for subdict in dicts:
subelem = ElementTree.SubElement(elem, seq)
ResponseHelper.dict2xml(subelem, subdict)
def value_tostring(value):
if isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
if isinstance(value, bool):
return str(value).lower()
return str(value)
def get_entity(req, ent, param = 'id'):
eid = req.args.get(param)
if not eid:
return False, req.error_formatter(10, 'Missing %s id' % ent.__name__)
eid = uuid.UUID(eid)
return False, req.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid %s id' % ent.__name__)
entity = ent.query.get(eid)
if not entity:
return False, (req.error_formatter(70, '%s not found' % ent.__name__), 404)
return True, entity
def disabled_api_feature():
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Feature disabled')
from .system import *
from .browse import *
from .user import *
from .albums_songs import *
from .media import *
from .scrobble import *
if config.getbool('features', 'star', True):
from .star import *
app.add_url_rule('/rest/star.view', view_func = disabled_api_feature, methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
app.add_url_rule('/rest/unstar.view', view_func = disabled_api_feature, methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
if config.getbool('features', 'rating', True):
from .rating import *
app.add_url_rule('/rest/setRating.view', view_func = disabled_api_feature, methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
if config.getbool('features', 'chat', True):
from .chat import *
app.add_url_rule('/rest/getChatMessages.view', view_func = disabled_api_feature, methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
app.add_url_rule('/rest/addChatMessage.view', view_func = disabled_api_feature, methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
from .search import *
from .playlists import *