mirror of
synced 2024-11-14 22:22:18 +00:00
supervisord compatible uwsgi ini file, vastly improved scanning speed, ignored logs in directory, fixed cover art searching algorithm to find more results
209 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File
209 lines
6.5 KiB
Executable File
# coding: utf-8
from flask import request, send_file, Response
import os.path
from PIL import Image
import subprocess
import shlex
import mutagen
import fnmatch
import mimetypes
import config, scanner
from web import app
from db import Track, Folder, User, now, session
from api import get_entity
from flask import g
def after_this_request(func):
if not hasattr(g, 'call_after_request'):
g.call_after_request = []
return func
def per_request_callbacks(response):
for func in getattr(g, 'call_after_request', ()):
response = func(response)
return response
def prepare_transcoding_cmdline(base_cmdline, input_file, input_format, output_format, output_bitrate):
if not base_cmdline:
return None
return base_cmdline.replace('%srcpath', '"'+input_file+'"').replace('%srcfmt', input_format).replace('%outfmt', output_format).replace('%outrate', str(output_bitrate))
def transcode(process):
for chunk in iter(process, ''):
yield chunk
@app.route('/rest/stream.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def stream_media():
status, res = get_entity(request, Track)
if not status:
return res
maxBitRate, format, timeOffset, size, estimateContentLength = map(request.args.get, [ 'maxBitRate', 'format', 'timeOffset', 'size', 'estimateContentLength' ])
if format:
format = format.lower()
do_transcoding = False
src_suffix = res.suffix()
dst_suffix = src_suffix
dst_bitrate = res.bitrate
dst_mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type('a.' + src_suffix)
if format != 'raw': # That's from API 1.9.0 but whatever
if maxBitRate:
maxBitRate = int(maxBitRate)
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid bitrate value')
if dst_bitrate > maxBitRate and maxBitRate != 0:
do_transcoding = True
dst_bitrate = maxBitRate
if format and format != src_suffix:
do_transcoding = True
dst_suffix = format
dst_mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(dst_suffix)
if not format and src_suffix == 'flac':
dst_suffix = 'ogg'
dst_bitrate = 320
dst_mimetype = 'audio/ogg'
do_transcoding = True
duration = mutagen.File(res.path).info.length
app.logger.debug('Serving file: ' + res.path + '\n\tDuration of file: ' + str(duration))
if do_transcoding:
transcoder = config.get('transcoding', 'transcoder_{}_{}'.format(src_suffix, dst_suffix))
decoder = config.get('transcoding', 'decoder_' + src_suffix) or config.get('transcoding', 'decoder')
encoder = config.get('transcoding', 'encoder_' + dst_suffix) or config.get('transcoding', 'encoder')
if not transcoder and (not decoder or not encoder):
transcoder = config.get('transcoding', 'transcoder')
if not transcoder:
return request.error_formatter(0, 'No way to transcode from {} to {}'.format(src_suffix, dst_suffix))
transcoder, decoder, encoder = map(lambda x: prepare_transcoding_cmdline(x, res.path, src_suffix, dst_suffix, dst_bitrate), [ transcoder, decoder, encoder ])
decoder = map(lambda s: s.decode('UTF8'), shlex.split(decoder.encode('utf8')))
encoder = map(lambda s: s.decode('UTF8'), shlex.split(encoder.encode('utf8')))
transcoder = map(lambda s: s.decode('UTF8'), shlex.split(transcoder.encode('utf8')))
app.logger.debug(str( decoder ) + '\n' + str( encoder ) + '\n' + str(transcoder))
if '|' in transcoder:
pipe_index = transcoder.index('|')
decoder = transcoder[:pipe_index]
encoder = transcoder[pipe_index+1:]
transcoder = None
app.logger.warn('decoder' + str(decoder) + '\nencoder' + str(encoder))
if transcoder:
app.logger.warn('transcoder: '+str(transcoder))
proc = subprocess.Popen(transcoder, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
dec_proc = subprocess.Popen(decoder, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
proc = subprocess.Popen(encoder, stdin = dec_proc.stdout, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
response = Response(transcode(proc.stdout.readline), 200, {'Content-Type': dst_mimetype, 'X-Content-Duration': str(duration)})
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Error while running the transcoding process')
app.logger.warn('no transcode')
response = send_file(res.path)
response.headers['Content-Type'] = dst_mimetype
response.headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'
response.headers['X-Content-Duration'] = str(duration)
redirect = config.get('base', 'accel-redirect')
response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = redirect + res.path
app.logger.debug('X-Accel-Redirect: ' + response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'])
res.play_count = res.play_count + 1
res.last_play = now()
request.user.last_play = res
request.user.last_play_date = now()
return response
@app.route('/rest/download.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def download_media():
status, res = get_entity(request, Track)
if not status:
return res
return send_file(res.path)
@app.route('/rest/getCoverArt.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def cover_art():
def add_header(response):
if 'X-Sendfile' in response.headers:
redirect = response.headers['X-Sendfile'] or ''
xsendfile = config.get('base', 'accel-redirect')
if redirect and xsendfile:
response.headers['X-Accel-Redirect'] = xsendfile + redirect
app.logger.debug('X-Accel-Redirect: ' + xsendfile + redirect)
return response
status, res = get_entity(request, Folder)
if not status:
return res
app.logger.debug('Cover Art Check: ' + res.path + '/*.jp*g')
coverfile = os.listdir(res.path)
coverfile = fnmatch.filter(coverfile, '*.jp*g')
app.logger.debug('Found Images: ' + str(coverfile))
if not coverfile:
app.logger.debug('No Art Found!')
res.has_cover_art = False
return request.error_formatter(70, 'Cover art not found')
coverfile = coverfile[0]
size = request.args.get('size')
if size:
size = int(size)
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid size value')
app.logger.debug('Serving cover art: ' + res.path + coverfile)
return send_file(os.path.join(res.path, coverfile))
im = Image.open(os.path.join(res.path, coverfile))
if size > im.size[0] and size > im.size[1]:
app.logger.debug('Serving cover art: ' + res.path + coverfile)
return send_file(os.path.join(res.path, coverfile))
size_path = os.path.join(config.get('base', 'cache_dir'), str(size))
path = os.path.join(size_path, str(res.id))
if os.path.exists(path):
app.logger.debug('Serving cover art: ' + path)
return send_file(path)
if not os.path.exists(size_path):
im.thumbnail([size, size], Image.ANTIALIAS)
im.save(path, 'JPEG')
app.logger.debug('Serving cover art: ' + path)
return send_file(path)