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synced 2024-11-14 22:22:18 +00:00
supervisord compatible uwsgi ini file, vastly improved scanning speed, ignored logs in directory, fixed cover art searching algorithm to find more results
164 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
164 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
# coding: utf-8
from flask import request
from web import app
from db import Folder, Artist, Album, Track
from api import get_entity
import uuid, time, string
import os.path
@app.route('/rest/getMusicFolders.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def list_folders():
return request.formatter({
'musicFolders': {
'musicFolder': [ {
'id': str(f.id),
'name': f.name
} for f in Folder.query.filter(Folder.root == True).order_by(Folder.name).all() ]
@app.route('/rest/getIndexes.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def list_indexes():
musicFolderId = request.args.get('musicFolderId')
ifModifiedSince = request.args.get('ifModifiedSince')
if ifModifiedSince:
ifModifiedSince = int(ifModifiedSince) / 1000
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid timestamp')
if musicFolderId is None:
folder = Folder.query.filter(Folder.root == True).all()
mfid = uuid.UUID(musicFolderId)
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid id')
folder = Folder.query.get(mfid)
if not folder or (type(folder) is not list and not folder.root):
return request.error_formatter(70, 'Folder not found')
last_modif = max(map(lambda f: f.last_scan, folder)) if type(folder) is list else folder.last_scan
if (not ifModifiedSince is None) and last_modif < ifModifiedSince:
return request.formatter({ 'indexes': { 'lastModified': last_modif * 1000 } })
# The XSD lies, we don't return artists but a directory structure
if type(folder) is list:
artists = []
childs = []
for f in folder:
artists += f.children
childs += f.tracks
artists = folder.children
childs = folder.tracks
indexes = {}
for artist in artists:
index = artist.name[0].upper()
if index in map(str, xrange(10)):
index = '#'
elif index not in string.letters:
index = '?'
if index not in indexes:
indexes[index] = []
return request.formatter({
'indexes': {
'lastModified': last_modif * 1000,
'index': [ {
'name': k,
'artist': [ {
'id': str(a.id),
'name': a.name
} for a in sorted(v, key = lambda a: a.name.lower()) ]
} for k, v in sorted(indexes.iteritems()) ],
'child': [ c.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for c in sorted(childs, key = lambda t: t.sort_key()) ]
@app.route('/rest/getMusicDirectory.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def show_directory():
status, res = get_entity(request, Folder)
if not status:
return res
res.tracks = [t for t in res.tracks if os.path.isfile(t.path)]
directory = {
'id': str(res.id),
'name': res.name,
'child': [ f.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for f in sorted(res.children, key = lambda c: c.name.lower()) ] + [ t.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for t in sorted(res.tracks, key = lambda t: t.sort_key()) ]
if not res.root:
directory['parent'] = str(res.parent_id)
return request.formatter({ 'directory': directory })
@app.route('/rest/getArtists.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def list_artists():
# According to the API page, there are no parameters?
indexes = {}
for artist in Artist.query.all():
index = artist.name[0].upper() if artist.name else '?'
if index in map(str, xrange(10)):
index = '#'
elif index not in string.letters:
index = '?'
if index not in indexes:
indexes[index] = []
return request.formatter({
'artists': {
'index': [ {
'name': k,
'artist': [ a.as_subsonic_artist(request.user) for a in sorted(v, key = lambda a: a.name.lower()) ]
} for k, v in sorted(indexes.iteritems()) ]
@app.route('/rest/getArtist.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def artist_info():
status, res = get_entity(request, Artist)
if not status:
return res
info = res.as_subsonic_artist(request.user)
info['album'] = [ a.as_subsonic_album(request.user) for a in sorted(res.albums, key = lambda a: a.sort_key()) ]
return request.formatter({ 'artist': info })
@app.route('/rest/getAlbum.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def album_info():
status, res = get_entity(request, Album)
if not status:
return res
info = res.as_subsonic_album(request.user)
info['song'] = [ t.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for t in sorted(res.tracks, key = lambda t: t.sort_key()) ]
return request.formatter({ 'album': info })
@app.route('/rest/getSong.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def track_info():
status, res = get_entity(request, Track)
if not status:
return res
return request.formatter({ 'song': res.as_subsonic_child(request.user) })
@app.route('/rest/getVideos.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def list_videos():
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Video streaming not supported')