mirror of
synced 2024-11-13 21:52:18 +00:00
202 lines
7.3 KiB
202 lines
7.3 KiB
# coding: utf-8
# This file is part of Supysonic.
# Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
# Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Alban 'spl0k' Féron
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from flask import request
from storm.expr import Desc, Avg, Min, Max
from storm.info import ClassAlias
import random
import uuid
from web import app, store
from db import Folder, Artist, Album, Track, RatingFolder, StarredFolder, StarredArtist, StarredAlbum, StarredTrack, User
from db import now
@app.route('/rest/getRandomSongs.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def rand_songs():
size = request.args.get('size', '10')
genre, fromYear, toYear, musicFolderId = map(request.args.get, [ 'genre', 'fromYear', 'toYear', 'musicFolderId' ])
size = int(size) if size else 10
fromYear = int(fromYear) if fromYear else None
toYear = int(toYear) if toYear else None
fid = uuid.UUID(musicFolderId) if musicFolderId else None
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid parameter format')
query = store.find(Track)
if fromYear:
query = query.find(Track.year >= fromYear)
if toYear:
query = query.find(Track.year <= toYear)
if genre:
query = query.find(Track.genre == genre)
if fid:
query = query.find(Track.root_folder_id == fid)
count = query.count()
if not count:
return request.formatter({ 'randomSongs': {} })
tracks = []
for _ in xrange(size):
x = random.choice(xrange(count))
return request.formatter({
'randomSongs': {
'song': [ t.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for t in tracks ]
@app.route('/rest/getAlbumList.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def album_list():
ltype, size, offset = map(request.args.get, [ 'type', 'size', 'offset' ])
size = int(size) if size else 10
offset = int(offset) if offset else 0
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid parameter format')
query = store.find(Folder, Track.folder_id == Folder.id)
if ltype == 'random':
albums = []
count = query.count()
if not count:
return request.formatter({ 'albumList': {} })
for _ in xrange(size):
x = random.choice(xrange(count))
return request.formatter({
'albumList': {
'album': [ a.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for a in albums ]
elif ltype == 'newest':
query = query.order_by(Desc(Folder.created)).config(distinct = True)
elif ltype == 'highest':
query = query.find(RatingFolder.rated_id == Folder.id).group_by(Folder.id).order_by(Desc(Avg(RatingFolder.rating)))
elif ltype == 'frequent':
query = query.group_by(Folder.id).order_by(Desc(Avg(Track.play_count)))
elif ltype == 'recent':
query = query.group_by(Folder.id).order_by(Desc(Max(Track.last_play)))
elif ltype == 'starred':
query = query.find(StarredFolder.starred_id == Folder.id, User.id == StarredFolder.user_id, User.name == request.username)
elif ltype == 'alphabeticalByName':
query = query.order_by(Folder.name).config(distinct = True)
elif ltype == 'alphabeticalByArtist':
parent = ClassAlias(Folder)
query = query.find(Folder.parent_id == parent.id).order_by(parent.name, Folder.name).config(distinct = True)
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Unknown search type')
return request.formatter({
'albumList': {
'album': [ f.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for f in query[offset:offset+size] ]
@app.route('/rest/getAlbumList2.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def album_list_id3():
ltype, size, offset = map(request.args.get, [ 'type', 'size', 'offset' ])
size = int(size) if size else 10
offset = int(offset) if offset else 0
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Invalid parameter format')
query = store.find(Album)
if ltype == 'random':
albums = []
count = query.count()
if not count:
return request.formatter({ 'albumList2': {} })
for _ in xrange(size):
x = random.choice(xrange(count))
return request.formatter({
'albumList2': {
'album': [ a.as_subsonic_album(request.user) for a in albums ]
elif ltype == 'newest':
query = query.find(Track.album_id == Album.id).group_by(Album.id).order_by(Desc(Min(Track.created)))
elif ltype == 'frequent':
query = query.find(Track.album_id == Album.id).group_by(Album.id).order_by(Desc(Avg(Track.play_count)))
elif ltype == 'recent':
query = query.find(Track.album_id == Album.id).group_by(Album.id).order_by(Desc(Max(Track.last_play)))
elif ltype == 'starred':
query = query.find(StarredAlbum.starred_id == Album.id, User.id == StarredAlbum.user_id, User.name == request.username)
elif ltype == 'alphabeticalByName':
query = query.order_by(Album.name)
elif ltype == 'alphabeticalByArtist':
query = query.find(Artist.id == Album.artist_id).order_by(Artist.name, Album.name)
return request.error_formatter(0, 'Unknown search type')
return request.formatter({
'albumList2': {
'album': [ f.as_subsonic_album(request.user) for f in query[offset:offset+size] ]
@app.route('/rest/getNowPlaying.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def now_playing():
# TODO test this, test this, test this
query = store.find(User, Track.id == User.last_play_id, ((Track.duration * 2) + User.last_play_date) < now())
return request.formatter({
'nowPlaying': {
'entry': [ dict(
u.last_play.as_subsonic_child(request.user).items() +
{ 'username': u.name, 'minutesAgo': (now() - u.last_play_date).seconds / 60, 'playerId': 0 }.items()
) for u in query ]
@app.route('/rest/getStarred.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def get_starred():
folders = store.find(StarredFolder, StarredFolder.user_id == User.id, User.name == request.username)
return request.formatter({
'starred': {
'artist': [ { 'id': str(sf.starred_id), 'name': sf.starred.name } for sf in folders.find(Folder.parent_id == StarredFolder.starred_id, Track.folder_id == Folder.id).config(distinct = True) ],
'album': [ sf.starred.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for sf in folders.find(Track.folder_id == StarredFolder.starred_id).config(distinct = True) ],
'song': [ st.starred.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for st in store.find(StarredTrack, StarredTrack.user_id == User.id, User.name == request.username) ]
@app.route('/rest/getStarred2.view', methods = [ 'GET', 'POST' ])
def get_starred_id3():
return request.formatter({
'starred2': {
'artist': [ sa.starred.as_subsonic_artist(request.user) for sa in store.find(StarredArtist, StarredArtist.user_id == User.id, User.name == request.username) ],
'album': [ sa.starred.as_subsonic_album(request.user) for sa in store.find(StarredAlbum, StarredAlbum.user_id == User.id, User.name == request.username) ],
'song': [ st.starred.as_subsonic_child(request.user) for st in store.find(StarredTrack, StarredTrack.user_id == User.id, User.name == request.username) ]