# This file is part of Supysonic. # Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API. # # Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Alban 'spl0k' FĂ©ron # # Distributed under terms of the GNU AGPLv3 license. import unittest import sys from flask import current_app from supysonic.db import Track from supysonic.managers.folder import FolderManager from supysonic.scanner import Scanner from .apitestbase import ApiTestBase class TranscodingTestCase(ApiTestBase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() FolderManager.add("Folder", "tests/assets/folder") scanner = Scanner() scanner.queue_folder("Folder") scanner.run() self.trackid = Track.get().id def _stream(self, **kwargs): kwargs.update( {"u": "alice", "p": "Alic3", "c": "tests", "v": "1.9.0", "id": self.trackid} ) rv = self.client.get("/rest/stream.view", query_string=kwargs) self.assertEqual(rv.status_code, 200) self.assertFalse(rv.mimetype.startswith("text/")) return rv def test_no_transcoding_available(self): self._make_request("stream", {"id": self.trackid, "format": "wat"}, error=0) @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Can't test transcoding on Windows because of a lack of simple commandline tools", ) def test_direct_transcode(self): rv = self._stream(maxBitRate=96, estimateContentLength="true") self.assertIn(b"tests/assets/folder/silence.mp3", rv.data) self.assertTrue(rv.data.endswith(b"96")) self.assertIn("Content-Length", rv.headers) self.assertEqual(rv.content_length, 48000) # 4s at 96kbps @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Can't test transcoding on Windows because of a lack of simple commandline tools", ) def test_decode_encode(self): rv = self._stream(format="cat") self.assertEqual(rv.data, b"Pushing out some mp3 data...") rv = self._stream(format="md5") self.assertTrue(rv.data.startswith(b"dbb16c0847e5d8c3b1867604828cb50b")) @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Can't test transcoding on Windows because of a lack of simple commandline tools", ) def test_mostly_transcoded_cached(self): # See https://github.com/spl0k/supysonic/issues/202 rv = self._stream(maxBitRate=96, estimateContentLength="true", format="rnd") read = 0 it = iter(rv.response) # Read up to the estimated length while read < 48000: read += len(next(it)) rv.response.close() rv.close() key = "{}-96.rnd".format(self.trackid) with self.app_context(): self.assertTrue(current_app.transcode_cache.has(key)) self.assertEqual(current_app.transcode_cache.size, 52000) @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Can't test transcoding on Windows because of a lack of simple commandline tools", ) def test_partly_transcoded_cached(self): rv = self._stream(maxBitRate=96, estimateContentLength="true", format="rnd") # read one check of data then close the connection next(iter(rv.response)) rv.response.close() rv.close() key = "{}-96.rnd".format(self.trackid) with self.app_context(): self.assertFalse(current_app.transcode_cache.has(key)) self.assertEqual(current_app.transcode_cache.size, 0) @unittest.skipIf( sys.platform == "win32", "Can't test transcoding on Windows because of a lack of simple commandline tools", ) def test_last_chunk_close_transcoded_cached(self): rv = self._stream(maxBitRate=96, estimateContentLength="true", format="rnd") read = 0 it = iter(rv.response) # Read up to the last chunk of data but keep the generator "alive" while read < 52000: read += len(next(it)) rv.response.close() rv.close() key = "{}-96.rnd".format(self.trackid) with self.app_context(): self.assertTrue(current_app.transcode_cache.has(key)) self.assertEqual(current_app.transcode_cache.size, 52000) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()