# coding: utf-8 # This file is part of Supysonic. # # Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API. # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Alban 'spl0k' FĂ©ron # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os, os.path import time, mimetypes import mutagen import config, db def get_mime(ext): return mimetypes.guess_type('dummy.' + ext, False)[0] or config.get('mimetypes', ext) or 'application/octet-stream' class Scanner: def __init__(self, session): self.__session = session self.__tracks = db.Track.query.all() self.__artists = db.Artist.query.all() self.__folders = db.Folder.query.all() self.__added_artists = 0 self.__added_albums = 0 self.__added_tracks = 0 self.__deleted_artists = 0 self.__deleted_albums = 0 self.__deleted_tracks = 0 extensions = config.get('base', 'scanner_extensions') self.__extensions = map(str.lower, extensions.split()) if extensions else None def scan(self, folder, progress_callback = None): files = [ os.path.join(root, f) for root, _, fs in os.walk(folder.path) for f in fs if self.__is_valid_path(os.path.join(root, f)) ] total = len(files) current = 0 for path in files: self.__scan_file(path, folder) current += 1 if progress_callback: progress_callback(current, total) folder.last_scan = int(time.time()) def prune(self, folder): for track in [ t for t in self.__tracks if t.root_folder.id == folder.id and not self.__is_valid_path(t.path) ]: self.__remove_track(track) for album in [ album for artist in self.__artists for album in artist.albums if len(album.tracks) == 0 ]: album.artist.albums.remove(album) self.__session.delete(album) self.__deleted_albums += 1 for artist in [ a for a in self.__artists if len(a.albums) == 0 ]: self.__session.delete(artist) self.__deleted_artists += 1 self.__cleanup_folder(folder) def check_cover_art(self, folder): folder.has_cover_art = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder.path, 'cover.jpg')) for f in folder.children: self.check_cover_art(f) def __is_valid_path(self, path): if not os.path.exists(path): return False if not self.__extensions: return True return os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:].lower() in self.__extensions def __scan_file(self, path, folder): tr = filter(lambda t: t.path == path, self.__tracks) if tr: tr = tr[0] if not os.path.getmtime(path) > tr.last_modification: return tag = self.__try_load_tag(path) if not tag: self.__remove_track(tr) return else: tag = self.__try_load_tag(path) if not tag: return tr = db.Track(path = path, root_folder = folder, folder = self.__find_folder(path, folder)) self.__tracks.append(tr) self.__added_tracks += 1 tr.disc = self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'discnumber', 1, lambda x: int(x[0].split('/')[0])) tr.number = self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'tracknumber', 1, lambda x: int(x[0].split('/')[0])) tr.title = self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'title', '') tr.year = self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'date', None, lambda x: int(x[0].split('-')[0])) tr.genre = self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'genre') tr.duration = int(tag.info.length) tr.album = self.__find_album(self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'artist', ''), self.__try_read_tag(tag, 'album', '')) tr.bitrate = (tag.info.bitrate if hasattr(tag.info, 'bitrate') else int(os.path.getsize(path) * 8 / tag.info.length)) / 1000 tr.content_type = get_mime(os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:]) tr.last_modification = os.path.getmtime(path) def __find_album(self, artist, album): ar = self.__find_artist(artist) al = filter(lambda a: a.name == album, ar.albums) if al: return al[0] al = db.Album(name = album, artist = ar) self.__added_albums += 1 return al def __find_artist(self, artist): ar = filter(lambda a: a.name.lower() == artist.lower(), self.__artists) if ar: return ar[0] ar = db.Artist(name = artist) self.__artists.append(ar) self.__session.add(ar) self.__added_artists += 1 return ar def __find_folder(self, path, folder): path = os.path.dirname(path) fold = filter(lambda f: f.path == path, self.__folders) if fold: return fold[0] full_path = folder.path path = path[len(folder.path) + 1:] for name in path.split(os.sep): full_path = os.path.join(full_path, name) fold = filter(lambda f: f.path == full_path, self.__folders) if fold: folder = fold[0] else: folder = db.Folder(root = False, name = name, path = full_path, parent = folder) self.__folders.append(folder) return folder def __try_load_tag(self, path): try: return mutagen.File(path, easy = True) except: return None def __try_read_tag(self, metadata, field, default = None, transform = lambda x: x[0]): try: value = metadata[field] if not value: return default if transform: value = transform(value) return value if value else default except: return default def __remove_track(self, track): track.album.tracks.remove(track) track.folder.tracks.remove(track) # As we don't have a track -> playlists relationship, SQLAlchemy doesn't know it has to remove tracks # from playlists as well, so let's help it for playlist in db.Playlist.query.filter(db.Playlist.tracks.contains(track)): playlist.tracks.remove(track) self.__session.delete(track) self.__deleted_tracks += 1 def __cleanup_folder(self, folder): for f in folder.children: self.__cleanup_folder(f) if len(folder.children) == 0 and len(folder.tracks) == 0 and not folder.root: folder.parent = None self.__session.delete(folder) def stats(self): return (self.__added_artists, self.__added_albums, self.__added_tracks), (self.__deleted_artists, self.__deleted_albums, self.__deleted_tracks)