# coding: utf-8 # This file is part of Supysonic. # # Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API. # Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Alban 'spl0k' FĂ©ron # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from storm.properties import * from storm.references import Reference, ReferenceSet from storm.database import create_database from storm.store import Store from storm.variables import Variable import uuid, datetime, time import os.path def now(): return datetime.datetime.now().replace(microsecond = 0) class UnicodeOrStrVariable(Variable): __slots__ = () def parse_set(self, value, from_db): if isinstance(value, unicode): return value elif isinstance(value, str): return unicode(value) raise TypeError("Expected unicode, found %r: %r" % (type(value), value)) Unicode.variable_class = UnicodeOrStrVariable class Folder(object): __storm_table__ = 'folder' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) root = Bool(default = False) name = Unicode() path = Unicode() # unique created = DateTime(default_factory = now) has_cover_art = Bool(default = False) last_scan = Int(default = 0) parent_id = UUID() # nullable parent = Reference(parent_id, id) children = ReferenceSet(id, parent_id) def as_subsonic_child(self, user): info = { 'id': str(self.id), 'isDir': True, 'title': self.name, 'album': self.name, 'created': self.created.isoformat() } if not self.root: info['parent'] = str(self.parent_id) info['artist'] = self.parent.name if self.has_cover_art: info['coverArt'] = str(self.id) starred = Store.of(self).get(StarredFolder, (user.id, self.id)) if starred: info['starred'] = starred.date.isoformat() rating = Store.of(self).get(RatingFolder, (user.id, self.id)) if rating: info['userRating'] = rating.rating avgRating = Store.of(self).find(RatingFolder, RatingFolder.rated_id == self.id).avg(RatingFolder.rating) if avgRating: info['averageRating'] = avgRating return info class Artist(object): __storm_table__ = 'artist' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) name = Unicode() # unique def as_subsonic_artist(self, user): info = { 'id': str(self.id), 'name': self.name, # coverArt 'albumCount': self.albums.count() } starred = Store.of(self).get(StarredArtist, (user.id, self.id)) if starred: info['starred'] = starred.date.isoformat() return info class Album(object): __storm_table__ = 'album' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) name = Unicode() artist_id = UUID() artist = Reference(artist_id, Artist.id) def as_subsonic_album(self, user): info = { 'id': str(self.id), 'name': self.name, 'artist': self.artist.name, 'artistId': str(self.artist_id), 'songCount': self.tracks.count(), 'duration': sum(self.tracks.values(Track.duration)), 'created': min(self.tracks.values(Track.created)).isoformat() } track_with_cover = self.tracks.find(Track.folder_id == Folder.id, Folder.has_cover_art).any() if track_with_cover: info['coverArt'] = str(track_with_cover.folder_id) starred = Store.of(self).get(StarredAlbum, (user.id, self.id)) if starred: info['starred'] = starred.date.isoformat() return info def sort_key(self): year = min(map(lambda t: t.year if t.year else 9999, self.tracks)) return '%i%s' % (year, self.name.lower()) Artist.albums = ReferenceSet(Artist.id, Album.artist_id) class Track(object): __storm_table__ = 'track' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) disc = Int() number = Int() title = Unicode() year = Int() # nullable genre = Unicode() # nullable duration = Int() album_id = UUID() album = Reference(album_id, Album.id) bitrate = Int() path = Unicode() # unique content_type = Unicode() created = DateTime(default_factory = now) last_modification = Int() play_count = Int(default = 0) last_play = DateTime() # nullable root_folder_id = UUID() root_folder = Reference(root_folder_id, Folder.id) folder_id = UUID() folder = Reference(folder_id, Folder.id) def as_subsonic_child(self, user): info = { 'id': str(self.id), 'parent': str(self.folder_id), 'isDir': False, 'title': self.title, 'album': self.album.name, 'artist': self.album.artist.name, 'track': self.number, 'size': os.path.getsize(self.path), 'contentType': self.content_type, 'suffix': self.suffix(), 'duration': self.duration, 'bitRate': self.bitrate, 'path': self.path[len(self.root_folder.path) + 1:], 'isVideo': False, 'discNumber': self.disc, 'created': self.created.isoformat(), 'albumId': str(self.album_id), 'artistId': str(self.album.artist_id), 'type': 'music' } if self.year: info['year'] = self.year if self.genre: info['genre'] = self.genre if self.folder.has_cover_art: info['coverArt'] = str(self.folder_id) starred = Store.of(self).get(StarredTrack, (user.id, self.id)) if starred: info['starred'] = starred.date.isoformat() rating = Store.of(self).get(RatingTrack, (user.id, self.id)) if rating: info['userRating'] = rating.rating avgRating = Store.of(self).find(RatingTrack, RatingTrack.rated_id == self.id).avg(RatingTrack.rating) if avgRating: info['averageRating'] = avgRating # transcodedContentType # transcodedSuffix return info def duration_str(self): ret = '%02i:%02i' % ((self.duration % 3600) / 60, self.duration % 60) if self.duration >= 3600: ret = '%02i:%s' % (self.duration / 3600, ret) return ret def suffix(self): return os.path.splitext(self.path)[1][1:].lower() def sort_key(self): return (self.album.artist.name + self.album.name + ("%02i" % self.disc) + ("%02i" % self.number) + self.title).lower() Folder.tracks = ReferenceSet(Folder.id, Track.folder_id) Album.tracks = ReferenceSet(Album.id, Track.album_id) class User(object): __storm_table__ = 'user' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) name = Unicode() # unique mail = Unicode() password = Unicode() salt = Unicode() admin = Bool(default = False) lastfm_session = Unicode() # nullable lastfm_status = Bool(default = True) # True: ok/unlinked, False: invalid session last_play_id = UUID() # nullable last_play = Reference(last_play_id, Track.id) last_play_date = DateTime() # nullable def as_subsonic_user(self): return { 'username': self.name, 'email': self.mail, 'scrobblingEnabled': self.lastfm_session is not None and self.lastfm_status, 'adminRole': self.admin, 'settingsRole': True, 'downloadRole': True, 'uploadRole': False, 'playlistRole': True, 'coverArtRole': False, 'commentRole': False, 'podcastRole': False, 'streamRole': True, 'jukeboxRole': False, 'shareRole': False } class ClientPrefs(object): __storm_table__ = 'client_prefs' __storm_primary__ = 'user_id', 'client_name' user_id = UUID() client_name = Unicode() format = Unicode() # nullable bitrate = Int() # nullable class BaseStarred(object): __storm_primary__ = 'user_id', 'starred_id' user_id = UUID() starred_id = UUID() date = DateTime(default_factory = now) user = Reference(user_id, User.id) class StarredFolder(BaseStarred): __storm_table__ = 'starred_folder' starred = Reference(BaseStarred.starred_id, Folder.id) class StarredArtist(BaseStarred): __storm_table__ = 'starred_artist' starred = Reference(BaseStarred.starred_id, Artist.id) class StarredAlbum(BaseStarred): __storm_table__ = 'starred_album' starred = Reference(BaseStarred.starred_id, Album.id) class StarredTrack(BaseStarred): __storm_table__ = 'starred_track' starred = Reference(BaseStarred.starred_id, Track.id) class BaseRating(object): __storm_primary__ = 'user_id', 'rated_id' user_id = UUID() rated_id = UUID() rating = Int() user = Reference(user_id, User.id) class RatingFolder(BaseRating): __storm_table__ = 'rating_folder' rated = Reference(BaseRating.rated_id, Folder.id) class RatingTrack(BaseRating): __storm_table__ = 'rating_track' rated = Reference(BaseRating.rated_id, Track.id) class ChatMessage(object): __storm_table__ = 'chat_message' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) user_id = UUID() time = Int(default_factory = lambda: int(time.time())) message = Unicode() user = Reference(user_id, User.id) def responsize(self): return { 'username': self.user.name, 'time': self.time * 1000, 'message': self.message } class Playlist(object): __storm_table__ = 'playlist' id = UUID(primary = True, default_factory = uuid.uuid4) user_id = UUID() name = Unicode() comment = Unicode() # nullable public = Bool(default = False) created = DateTime(default_factory = now) user = Reference(user_id, User.id) def as_subsonic_playlist(self, user): info = { 'id': str(self.id), 'name': self.name if self.user_id == user.id else '[%s] %s' % (self.user.name, self.name), 'owner': self.user.name, 'public': self.public, 'songCount': self.tracks.count(), 'duration': self.tracks.find().sum(Track.duration), 'created': self.created.isoformat() } if self.comment: info['comment'] = self.comment return info class PlaylistTrack(object): __storm_table__ = 'playlist_track' __storm_primary__ = 'playlist_id', 'track_id' playlist_id = UUID() track_id = UUID() Playlist.tracks = ReferenceSet(Playlist.id, PlaylistTrack.playlist_id, PlaylistTrack.track_id, Track.id) def get_store(database_uri): database = create_database(database_uri) store = Store(database) return store