import argparse import hashlib import sqlite3 import uuid try: bytes = buffer except: pass parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('dbfile', help = 'Path to the SQLite database file') args = parser.parse_args() def process_table(connection, table): c = connection.cursor() c.execute('ALTER TABLE {0} ADD COLUMN path_hash BLOB NOT NULL DEFAULT ROWID'.format(table)) hashes = dict() for row in c.execute('SELECT path FROM {0}'.format(table)): hashes[row[0]] = hashlib.sha1(row[0].encode('utf-8')).digest() c.executemany('UPDATE {0} SET path_hash=? WHERE path=?'.format(table), [ (bytes(h), p) for p, h in hashes.items() ]) c.execute('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_{0}_path ON {0}(path_hash)'.format(table)) with sqlite3.connect(args.dbfile) as conn: process_table(conn, 'folder') process_table(conn, 'track') conn.cursor().execute('VACUUM')