diff --git a/bin/supysonic-watcher b/bin/supysonic-watcher
index 2c8e2c9..33d5b7e 100755
--- a/bin/supysonic-watcher
+++ b/bin/supysonic-watcher
@@ -19,232 +19,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
-import time, sys
-import logging
-from threading import Thread, Condition, Timer
-from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
-from watchdog.observers import Observer
-from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
+from daemon.runner import DaemonRunner
+from supysonic.watcher import SupysonicWatcher
-from supysonic import config, db
-from supysonic.scanner import Scanner
+watcher = SupysonicWatcher()
+watcher.stdin_path = '/dev/null'
+watcher.stdout_path = '/dev/tty'
+watcher.stderr_path = '/dev/tty'
+watcher.pidfile_path = '/tmp/supysonic-watcher.pid'
+watcher.pidfile_timeout = 5
-OP_SCAN = 1
-OP_MOVE = 4
-class SupysonicWatcherEventHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
- def __init__(self, queue, logger):
- extensions = config.get('base', 'scanner_extensions')
- patterns = map(lambda e: "*." + e.lower(), extensions.split()) if extensions else None
- super(SupysonicWatcherEventHandler, self).__init__(patterns = patterns, ignore_directories = True)
- self.__queue = queue
- self.__logger = logger
- def dispatch(self, event):
- try:
- super(SupysonicWatcherEventHandler, self).dispatch(event)
- except Exception, e:
- self.__logger.critical(e)
- def on_created(self, event):
- self.__logger.debug("File created: '%s'", event.src_path)
- self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_SCAN)
- def on_deleted(self, event):
- self.__logger.debug("File deleted: '%s'", event.src_path)
- self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_REMOVE)
- def on_modified(self, event):
- self.__logger.debug("File modified: '%s'", event.src_path)
- self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_SCAN)
- def on_moved(self, event):
- self.__logger.debug("File moved: '%s' -> '%s'", event.src_path, event.dest_path)
- self.__queue.put(event.dest_path, OP_MOVE, src_path = event.src_path)
-class Event(object):
- def __init__(self, path, operation, **kwargs):
- if operation & (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE) == (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE):
- raise Exception("Flags SCAN and REMOVE both set")
- self.__path = path
- self.__time = time.time()
- self.__op = operation
- self.__src = kwargs.get("src_path")
- def set(self, operation, **kwargs):
- if operation & (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE) == (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE):
- raise Exception("Flags SCAN and REMOVE both set")
- self.__time = time.time()
- if operation & OP_SCAN:
- self.__op &= ~OP_REMOVE
- if operation & OP_REMOVE:
- self.__op &= ~OP_SCAN
- self.__op |= operation
- src_path = kwargs.get("src_path")
- if src_path:
- self.__src = src_path
- @property
- def path(self):
- return self.__path
- @property
- def time(self):
- return self.__time
- @property
- def operation(self):
- return self.__op
- @property
- def src_path(self):
- return self.__src
-class ScannerProcessingQueue(Thread):
- def __init__(self, logger):
- super(ScannerProcessingQueue, self).__init__()
- self.__logger = logger
- self.__cond = Condition()
- self.__timer = None
- self.__queue = {}
- self.__running = True
- def run(self):
- try:
- self.__run()
- except Exception, e:
- self.__logger.critical(e)
- def __run(self):
- while self.__running:
- time.sleep(0.1)
- with self.__cond:
- self.__cond.wait()
- if not self.__queue:
- continue
- self.__logger.debug("Instantiating scanner")
- store = db.get_store(config.get('base', 'database_uri'))
- scanner = Scanner(store)
- item = self.__next_item()
- while item:
- if item.operation & OP_MOVE:
- self.__logger.info("Moving: '%s' -> '%s'", item.src_path, item.path)
- scanner.move_file(item.src_path, item.path)
- if item.operation & OP_SCAN:
- self.__logger.info("Scanning: '%s'", item.path)
- scanner.scan_file(item.path)
- if item.operation & OP_REMOVE:
- self.__logger.info("Removing: '%s'", item.path)
- scanner.remove_file(item.path)
- item = self.__next_item()
- scanner.finish()
- store.commit()
- store.close()
- self.__logger.debug("Freeing scanner")
- del scanner
- def stop(self):
- self.__running = False
- with self.__cond:
- self.__cond.notify()
- def put(self, path, operation, **kwargs):
- if not self.__running:
- raise RuntimeError("Trying to put an item in a stopped queue")
- with self.__cond:
- if path in self.__queue:
- event = self.__queue[path]
- event.set(operation, **kwargs)
- else:
- event = Event(path, operation, **kwargs)
- self.__queue[path] = event
- if operation & OP_MOVE and kwargs["src_path"] in self.__queue:
- previous = self.__queue[kwargs["src_path"]]
- event.set(previous.operation, src_path = previous.src_path)
- del self.__queue[kwargs["src_path"]]
- if self.__timer:
- self.__timer.cancel()
- self.__timer = Timer(5, self.__wakeup)
- self.__timer.start()
- def __wakeup(self):
- with self.__cond:
- self.__cond.notify()
- self.__timer = None
- def __next_item(self):
- with self.__cond:
- if not self.__queue:
- return None
- next = min(self.__queue.iteritems(), key = lambda i: i[1].time)
- if not self.__running or next[1].time + 5 <= time.time():
- del self.__queue[next[0]]
- return next[1]
- return None
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if not config.check():
- sys.exit(1)
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- if config.get('daemon', 'log_file'):
- log_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(config.get('daemon', 'log_file'), when = 'midnight')
- else:
- log_handler = logging.NullHandler()
- log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s"))
- logger.addHandler(log_handler)
- if config.get('daemon', 'log_level'):
- mapping = {
- 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
- 'INFO': logging.INFO,
- 'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
- 'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
- }
- logger.setLevel(mapping.get(config.get('daemon', 'log_level').upper(), logging.NOTSET))
- store = db.get_store(config.get('base', 'database_uri'))
- folders = store.find(db.Folder, db.Folder.root == True)
- if not folders.count():
- logger.info("No folder set. Exiting.")
- store.close()
- sys.exit(0)
- queue = ScannerProcessingQueue(logger)
- handler = SupysonicWatcherEventHandler(queue, logger)
- observer = Observer()
- for folder in folders:
- logger.info("Starting watcher for %s", folder.path)
- observer.schedule(handler, folder.path, recursive = True)
- store.close()
- queue.start()
- observer.start()
- try:
- while True:
- time.sleep(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- logger.info("Stopping watcher")
- observer.stop()
- observer.join()
- queue.stop()
- queue.join()
+daemon_runner = DaemonRunner(watcher)
diff --git a/supysonic/watcher.py b/supysonic/watcher.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e502ff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/supysonic/watcher.py
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# This file is part of Supysonic.
+# Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Alban 'spl0k' FĂ©ron
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+import time
+import logging
+from signal import signal, SIGTERM
+from threading import Thread, Condition, Timer
+from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
+from watchdog.observers import Observer
+from watchdog.events import PatternMatchingEventHandler
+from supysonic import config, db
+from supysonic.scanner import Scanner
+OP_SCAN = 1
+OP_MOVE = 4
+class SupysonicWatcherEventHandler(PatternMatchingEventHandler):
+ def __init__(self, queue, logger):
+ extensions = config.get('base', 'scanner_extensions')
+ patterns = map(lambda e: "*." + e.lower(), extensions.split()) if extensions else None
+ super(SupysonicWatcherEventHandler, self).__init__(patterns = patterns, ignore_directories = True)
+ self.__queue = queue
+ self.__logger = logger
+ def dispatch(self, event):
+ try:
+ super(SupysonicWatcherEventHandler, self).dispatch(event)
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.__logger.critical(e)
+ def on_created(self, event):
+ self.__logger.debug("File created: '%s'", event.src_path)
+ self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_SCAN)
+ def on_deleted(self, event):
+ self.__logger.debug("File deleted: '%s'", event.src_path)
+ self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_REMOVE)
+ def on_modified(self, event):
+ self.__logger.debug("File modified: '%s'", event.src_path)
+ self.__queue.put(event.src_path, OP_SCAN)
+ def on_moved(self, event):
+ self.__logger.debug("File moved: '%s' -> '%s'", event.src_path, event.dest_path)
+ self.__queue.put(event.dest_path, OP_MOVE, src_path = event.src_path)
+class Event(object):
+ def __init__(self, path, operation, **kwargs):
+ if operation & (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE) == (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE):
+ raise Exception("Flags SCAN and REMOVE both set")
+ self.__path = path
+ self.__time = time.time()
+ self.__op = operation
+ self.__src = kwargs.get("src_path")
+ def set(self, operation, **kwargs):
+ if operation & (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE) == (OP_SCAN | OP_REMOVE):
+ raise Exception("Flags SCAN and REMOVE both set")
+ self.__time = time.time()
+ if operation & OP_SCAN:
+ self.__op &= ~OP_REMOVE
+ if operation & OP_REMOVE:
+ self.__op &= ~OP_SCAN
+ self.__op |= operation
+ src_path = kwargs.get("src_path")
+ if src_path:
+ self.__src = src_path
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ return self.__path
+ @property
+ def time(self):
+ return self.__time
+ @property
+ def operation(self):
+ return self.__op
+ @property
+ def src_path(self):
+ return self.__src
+class ScannerProcessingQueue(Thread):
+ def __init__(self, logger):
+ super(ScannerProcessingQueue, self).__init__()
+ self.__logger = logger
+ self.__cond = Condition()
+ self.__timer = None
+ self.__queue = {}
+ self.__running = True
+ def run(self):
+ try:
+ self.__run()
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.__logger.critical(e)
+ def __run(self):
+ while self.__running:
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ with self.__cond:
+ self.__cond.wait()
+ if not self.__queue:
+ continue
+ self.__logger.debug("Instantiating scanner")
+ store = db.get_store(config.get('base', 'database_uri'))
+ scanner = Scanner(store)
+ item = self.__next_item()
+ while item:
+ if item.operation & OP_MOVE:
+ self.__logger.info("Moving: '%s' -> '%s'", item.src_path, item.path)
+ scanner.move_file(item.src_path, item.path)
+ if item.operation & OP_SCAN:
+ self.__logger.info("Scanning: '%s'", item.path)
+ scanner.scan_file(item.path)
+ if item.operation & OP_REMOVE:
+ self.__logger.info("Removing: '%s'", item.path)
+ scanner.remove_file(item.path)
+ item = self.__next_item()
+ scanner.finish()
+ store.commit()
+ store.close()
+ self.__logger.debug("Freeing scanner")
+ del scanner
+ def stop(self):
+ self.__running = False
+ with self.__cond:
+ self.__cond.notify()
+ def put(self, path, operation, **kwargs):
+ if not self.__running:
+ raise RuntimeError("Trying to put an item in a stopped queue")
+ with self.__cond:
+ if path in self.__queue:
+ event = self.__queue[path]
+ event.set(operation, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ event = Event(path, operation, **kwargs)
+ self.__queue[path] = event
+ if operation & OP_MOVE and kwargs["src_path"] in self.__queue:
+ previous = self.__queue[kwargs["src_path"]]
+ event.set(previous.operation, src_path = previous.src_path)
+ del self.__queue[kwargs["src_path"]]
+ if self.__timer:
+ self.__timer.cancel()
+ self.__timer = Timer(5, self.__wakeup)
+ self.__timer.start()
+ def __wakeup(self):
+ with self.__cond:
+ self.__cond.notify()
+ self.__timer = None
+ def __next_item(self):
+ with self.__cond:
+ if not self.__queue:
+ return None
+ next = min(self.__queue.iteritems(), key = lambda i: i[1].time)
+ if not self.__running or next[1].time + 5 <= time.time():
+ del self.__queue[next[0]]
+ return next[1]
+ return None
+class SupysonicWatcher(object):
+ def run(self):
+ if not config.check():
+ return
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if config.get('daemon', 'log_file'):
+ log_handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(config.get('daemon', 'log_file'), when = 'midnight')
+ else:
+ log_handler = logging.NullHandler()
+ log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s"))
+ logger.addHandler(log_handler)
+ if config.get('daemon', 'log_level'):
+ mapping = {
+ 'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG,
+ 'INFO': logging.INFO,
+ 'WARNING': logging.WARNING,
+ 'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
+ }
+ logger.setLevel(mapping.get(config.get('daemon', 'log_level').upper(), logging.NOTSET))
+ store = db.get_store(config.get('base', 'database_uri'))
+ folders = store.find(db.Folder, db.Folder.root == True)
+ if not folders.count():
+ logger.info("No folder set. Exiting.")
+ store.close()
+ return
+ queue = ScannerProcessingQueue(logger)
+ handler = SupysonicWatcherEventHandler(queue, logger)
+ observer = Observer()
+ for folder in folders:
+ logger.info("Starting watcher for %s", folder.path)
+ observer.schedule(handler, folder.path, recursive = True)
+ store.close()
+ signal(SIGTERM, self.__terminate)
+ self.__running = True
+ queue.start()
+ observer.start()
+ while self.__running:
+ time.sleep(2)
+ logger.info("Stopping watcher")
+ observer.stop()
+ observer.join()
+ queue.stop()
+ queue.join()
+ def stop(self):
+ self.__running = False
+ def __terminate(self, signum, frame):
+ self.stop()