2017-10-26 19:41:16 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# This file is part of Supysonic.
# Supysonic is a Python implementation of the Subsonic server API.
# Copyright (C) 2017 Alban 'spl0k' Féron
# Distributed under terms of the GNU AGPLv3 license.
import unittest
import io, re
from collections import namedtuple
import uuid
from supysonic import db
date_regex = re.compile(r'^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$')
class DbTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.store = db.get_store(u'sqlite:')
with io.open(u'schema/sqlite.sql', u'r') as f:
for statement in f.read().split(u';'):
def tearDown(self):
def create_some_folders(self):
root_folder = db.Folder()
root_folder.root = True
root_folder.name = u'Root folder'
root_folder.path = u'/'
child_folder = db.Folder()
child_folder.root = False
child_folder.name = u'Child folder'
child_folder.path = u'/child'
child_folder.has_cover_art = True
child_folder.parent = root_folder
return root_folder, child_folder
2017-10-26 21:16:20 +00:00
def create_some_tracks(self, artist = None, album = None):
root, child = self.create_some_folders()
if not artist:
artist = db.Artist()
artist.name = u'Test Artist'
if not album:
album = db.Album()
album.artist = artist
album.name = u'Test Album'
track1 = db.Track()
track1.title = 'Track Title'
track1.album = album
track1.artist = artist
track1.disc = 1
track1.number = 1
track1.duration = 3
track1.bitrate = 320
track1.path = '/child/01'
track1.content_type = u'audio/mpeg'
track1.last_modification = 1234
track1.root_folder = root
track1.folder = child
track2 = db.Track()
track2.title = 'One Awesome Song'
track2.album = album
track2.artist = artist
track2.disc = 1
track2.number = 2
track2.duration = 5
track2.bitrate = 96
track2.path = '/child/02'
track2.content_type = u'audio/mpeg'
track2.last_modification = 1234
track2.root_folder = root
track2.folder = child
return track1, track2
2017-10-26 19:41:16 +00:00
def test_folder_base(self):
root_folder, child_folder = self.create_some_folders()
MockUser = namedtuple(u'User', [ u'id' ])
user = MockUser(uuid.uuid4())
root = root_folder.as_subsonic_child(user)
self.assertIsInstance(root, dict)
self.assertIn(u'id', root)
self.assertIn(u'isDir', root)
self.assertIn(u'title', root)
self.assertIn(u'album', root)
self.assertIn(u'created', root)
self.assertEqual(root[u'title'], u'Root folder')
self.assertEqual(root[u'album'], u'Root folder')
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self.assertRegexpMatches(root['created'], date_regex)
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child = child_folder.as_subsonic_child(user)
self.assertIn(u'parent', child)
self.assertIn(u'artist', child)
self.assertIn(u'coverArt', child)
self.assertEqual(child[u'parent'], str(root_folder.id))
self.assertEqual(child[u'artist'], root_folder.name)
self.assertEqual(child[u'coverArt'], child[u'id'])
def test_folder_annotation(self):
root_folder, child_folder = self.create_some_folders()
# Assuming SQLite doesn't enforce foreign key constraints
MockUser = namedtuple(u'User', [ u'id' ])
user = MockUser(uuid.uuid4())
star = db.StarredFolder()
star.user_id = user.id
star.starred_id = root_folder.id
rating_user = db.RatingFolder()
rating_user.user_id = user.id
rating_user.rated_id = root_folder.id
rating_user.rating = 2
rating_other = db.RatingFolder()
rating_other.user_id = uuid.uuid4()
rating_other.rated_id = root_folder.id
rating_other.rating = 5
root = root_folder.as_subsonic_child(user)
self.assertIn(u'starred', root)
self.assertIn(u'userRating', root)
self.assertIn(u'averageRating', root)
2017-10-26 21:16:20 +00:00
self.assertRegexpMatches(root[u'starred'], date_regex)
2017-10-26 19:41:16 +00:00
self.assertEqual(root[u'userRating'], 2)
self.assertEqual(root[u'averageRating'], 3.5)
child = child_folder.as_subsonic_child(user)
self.assertNotIn(u'starred', child)
self.assertNotIn(u'userRating', child)
2017-10-26 21:16:20 +00:00
def test_artist(self):
artist = db.Artist()
artist.name = u'Test Artist'
# Assuming SQLite doesn't enforce foreign key constraints
MockUser = namedtuple(u'User', [ u'id' ])
user = MockUser(uuid.uuid4())
star = db.StarredArtist()
star.user_id = user.id
star.starred_id = artist.id
artist_dict = artist.as_subsonic_artist(user)
self.assertIsInstance(artist_dict, dict)
self.assertIn(u'id', artist_dict)
self.assertIn(u'name', artist_dict)
self.assertIn(u'albumCount', artist_dict)
self.assertIn(u'starred', artist_dict)
self.assertEqual(artist_dict[u'name'], u'Test Artist')
self.assertEqual(artist_dict[u'albumCount'], 0)
self.assertRegexpMatches(artist_dict[u'starred'], date_regex)
album = db.Album()
album.name = u'Test Artist' # self-titled
album = db.Album()
album.name = u'The Album After The Frist One'
artist_dict = artist.as_subsonic_artist(user)
self.assertEqual(artist_dict[u'albumCount'], 2)
def test_album(self):
artist = db.Artist()
artist.name = u'Test Artist'
album = db.Album()
album.artist = artist
album.name = u'Test Album'
# Assuming SQLite doesn't enforce foreign key constraints
MockUser = namedtuple(u'User', [ u'id' ])
user = MockUser(uuid.uuid4())
star = db.StarredAlbum()
star.user_id = user.id
star.starred = album
# No tracks, shouldn't be stored under normal circumstances
self.assertRaises(ValueError, album.as_subsonic_album, user)
self.create_some_tracks(artist, album)
album_dict = album.as_subsonic_album(user)
self.assertIsInstance(album_dict, dict)
self.assertIn(u'id', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'name', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'artist', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'artistId', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'songCount', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'duration', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'created', album_dict)
self.assertIn(u'starred', album_dict)
self.assertEqual(album_dict[u'name'], album.name)
self.assertEqual(album_dict[u'artist'], artist.name)
self.assertEqual(album_dict[u'artistId'], str(artist.id))
self.assertEqual(album_dict[u'songCount'], 2)
self.assertEqual(album_dict[u'duration'], 8)
self.assertRegexpMatches(album_dict[u'created'], date_regex)
self.assertRegexpMatches(album_dict[u'starred'], date_regex)
def test_track(self):
track1, track2 = self.create_some_tracks()
if __name__ == '__main__':