2019-04-16 18:32:06 +02:00

36 lines
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# tasks file for user_config
- name: clone user repository
dest: /home/{{}}/conf2 # required. The path of where the repository should be checked out. This parameter is required, unless C(clone) is set to C(no).
repo: "{{ user_config_repo }}" # required. git, SSH, or HTTP(S) protocol address of the git repository.
clone: yes # not required. If C(no), do not clone the repository if it does not exist locally
recursive: yes
force: no
update: yes
accept_hostkey: yes
register: config_download
- debug:
msg: "{{ config_download }}"
- name: pass user shell to zsh
name: "{{}}" # required. Name of the user to create, remove or modify.
shell: /bin/zsh # not required. Optionally set the user's shell.,On macOS, before version 2.5, the default shell for non-system users was /usr/bin/false. Since 2.5, the default shell for non-system users on macOS is /bin/bash.
state: present # not required. choices: absent;present. Whether the account should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
become: yes
- name: apply stow config
shell: stow *
chdir: /home/{{}}/conf2
when: config_download.changed == true
- name: apply stow config on root
shell: stow --t /root zsh vim git
chdir: /home/{{}}/conf2
when: config_download.changed == true
become: yes