- name: upgrade system pacman: state: latest # not required. choices: absent;latest;present. Desired state of the package. upgrade: true # not required. Whether or not to upgrade whole system. force: true # not required. When removing package - force remove package, without any checks. When update_cache - force redownload repo databases. update_cache: true become: yes register: upgrade - debug: var: upgrade - name: Reboot updates to apply reboot: reboot_timeout: 3600 when: upgrade.changed and "linux" in upgrade.packages become: yes - name: launch base install software pacman: state: present # not required. choices: absent;latest;present. Desired state of the package. name: ['zsh','stow','nmap','rsync','awesome-terminal-fonts','wget','bat','diff-so-fancy','git','htop','thefuck','tldr','ntfs-3g','tmux','vim','zsh-theme-powerlevel9k' ] # not required. Name or list of names of the packages to install, upgrade, or remove. become: yes