--- - name: Configure pacman color replace: dest=/etc/pacman.conf regexp="^#(Color)" replace="\1" become: yes - name: Configure more pacman visuals replace: dest=/etc/pacman.conf regexp="#(VerbosePkgLists)" replace="\1\nILoveCandy" become: yes - name: Configure pacman multilib repo become: yes replace: dest=/etc/pacman.conf regexp="^#(\[multilib\])\n^#(.*)$" replace="\1\n\2" notify: Update_pacman_repos when: ansible_architecture == "x86_64" - name: stat ca-certificates stat: path: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" # required. The full path of the file/object to get the facts of. register: cacertificates - name: reinstall certificate for old system command: "pacman -Sy ca-certificates-utils openssl --noconfirm" become: yes when: not cacertificates.stat.exists