--- user: name: user arch_base_locale: fr_FR.UTF-8 arch_base_keymap: fr arch_base_timezone: Europe/Paris arch_base_locales: - "fr_FR.UTF-8" - "en_US.UTF-8" time: hwclock: UTC timezone: Europe/Paris system_base_softwares_arch: - "zsh" - "stow" - "wol" - "nmap" - "bind" - "rsync" - "awesome-terminal-fonts" - "wget" - "bat" - "diff-so-fancy" - "git" - "htop" - "thefuck" - "tldr" - "ntfs-3g" - "python-lxml" - "tmux" - "vim" - "python-pip" - "pacman-contrib" - "yarn" - "npm" - "nethogs" - "iftop" - "zip" - "unzip" - "unrar" - "git-lfs" - "httpie" - "lsof" - "glances" - "ethtool" - "gnu-netcat" - "netctl" - "logrotate" - "otf-cascadia-code" - "neovim" - "python-pynvim" - "yamllint" - "prettier" - "fd" - "fzf" - "kitty-terminfo" system_base_aur_soft: [] system_base_softwares_debian: - "zsh" - "lsof" - "glances" - "stow" - "wakeonlan" - "nmap" - "dnsutils" - "rsync" # - 'awesome-terminal-fonts' - "wget" # - 'bat' # - 'diff-so-fancy' - "git" - "htop" - "thefuck" - "tldr" - "ntfs-3g" - "python-lxml" - "tmux" - "neovim" - "python3-neovim" - "python3-pip" - "yarn" - "npm" - "nethogs" - "iftop" - "zip" - "unzip" - "unrar" - "git-lfs" - "httpie" - "ethtool" - "traceroute" - "fonts-cascadia-code" - "fd-find" - "fzf" - "xterm-kitty" system_upgrade: false system_arch_local_mirror: system_user: [] # - name: toto # home: /home/toto # shell: '/bin/zsh' # group: ezfef system_group: [] keystodeploy: [] # - name: toto # user: toto # ssjkey: lrlrl privatekeytodeploy: [] # - user: root # keyfile: /root/.ssh/id_rsa # privatekey: {{ vault_privatekey }} # Custom hosts entries to be added hosts_entries: [] # Custom host file snippets to be added hosts_file_snippets: [] system_ipV6_disable: true