--- # tasks file for supysonic - name: select specific Database tasks include_tasks: "database_{{ supysonic_DB_typ }}.yml" - name: create folder in var file: path: "/var/{{ supysonic_name }}" # required. Path to the file being managed. state: directory become: true - name: ensure venv folder exist file: name: "{{ venv_location }}" state: directory mode: 0777 become: true notify: - restart supysonic service - name: create venv pip: name: "git+{{ supysonic_rep }}" virtualenv: "{{ venv_locatio }}{{ supysonic_venv_nam }}" virtualenv_command: /usr/bin/python -m venv state: "{{ 'forcereinstall' if supysonic_force_site_update ==true else 'present'}}" become: true - name: install sql client pip: virtualenv: "{{ venv_locatio }}{{ supysonic_venv_nam }}" # not required. An optional path to a I(virtualenv) directory to install into. It cannot be specified together with the 'executable' parameter (added in 2.1). If the virtualenv does not exist, it will be created before installing packages. The optional virtualenv_site_packages, virtualenv_command, and virtualenv_python options affect the creation of the virtualenv. name: - pymysql - psycopg2 become: yes - name: apply config template template: dest: "/etc/supysonic" src: "supysonic.j2" become: true notify: - restart supysonic service - restart daemon service - name: install gunicorn become: true pip: virtualenv: "{{ venv_locatio }}{{ supysonic_venv_nam }}" name: gunicorn - name: apply systemd service template template: dest: "/etc/systemd/system/supysonic-server.service" src: "systemd/supysonic-server.service.j2" become: true notify: - Reload systemd - restart supysonic service - name: apply systemd daemon template template: dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ supysonic_nam }}-daemon.service" src: "systemd/supysonic-daemon.service.j2" become: true notify: - Reload systemd - restart daemon service - name: enable daemon service systemd: name: "{{ supysonic_nam }}-daemon.service" enabled: true state: started become: yes - name: enable supysonic service systemd: name: "supysonic-server.service" enabled: true state: started become: true