--- radicale_server_username: radicale radicale_server_home_dir: "/mnt/diskstation/CardDav" radicale_service_state: started # See https://radicale.org/configuration/ radicale_config: server: hosts: - addr: port: 5232 #daemon: true #pid: /var/run/radicale/radicale.pid #max_connections: 20 #max_connections: 100000000 #timeout: 30 # Consider TLS directives carefully before activating them. #ssl: true #certificate: "/etc/ssl/radicale.cert.pem" #key: "/etc/ssl/radicale.key.pem" #certificate_authority: #protocol: PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 #ciphers: #encoding: #request: utf-8 #stock: utf-8 auth: type: htpasswd htpasswd_filename: "{{ radicale_server_home_dir }}/users.htpasswd" htpasswd_encryption: md5 delay: 1 #realm: Radicale Realm rights: type: from_file file: "{{ radicale_server_home_dir }}/rights.conf" storage: type: multifilesystem filesystem_folder: "{{ radicale_server_home_dir }}/collections" # For an example of the `hook` directive in use, see # http://radicale.org/versioning/ #hook: #web: #type: internal #headers: #X-Extra-HTTP-Header: foo #X-Another-Header: bar #logging: #level: false #mask_passwords: true #full_environment: false #config: "/etc/radicale/log.conf" # List of Radicale user information as a dictionary. radicale_users: - name: admin # The username. password: "{{vault_CardDav}}" # Their password. This should probably be vault-encrypted. # As an alternative to a password, you can specify a bcrypt hash. # Create this hash using the standard `htpasswd` utility, then # paste it here. This method allows a user to generate a password # for their account themselves, and then send you the hash rather # than the plaintext. #md5_hash: "$2y$05$t31SnKFWj9UcMr5Y96cl3uBFkdhelqkZn77TnquIeVb9sriEByUPK"