download mariadb role

This commit is contained in:
vincent 2019-04-14 20:27:02 +02:00
parent 8bc03f07a6
commit 161602d296
7 changed files with 186 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Set this to the user ansible is logging in as - should have root
# or sudo access
mysql_user_home: /root
mysql_user_name: root
mysql_user_password: root
# The default root user installed by mysql - almost always root
mysql_root_home: /root
mysql_root_username: root
mysql_root_password: root
# Set this to `true` to forcibly update the root password.
mysql_root_password_update: false
mysql_user_password_update: false
mysql_enabled_on_startup: true
# Whether my.cnf should be updated on every run.
overwrite_global_mycnf: true
# The following variables have a default value depending on operating system.
# mysql_config_file: /etc/my.cnf
# mysql_config_include_dir: /etc/my.cnf.d
# Pass in a comma-separated list of repos to use (e.g. "remi,epel"). Used only
# for RedHat systems (and derivatives).
mysql_enablerepo: ""
# Define a custom list of packages to install; if none provided, the default
# package list from vars/[OS-family].yml will be used.
# mysql_packages:
# - mysql
# - mysql-server
# - MySQL-python
# MySQL connection settings.
mysql_port: "3306"
mysql_bind_address: ''
mysql_skip_name_resolve: false
mysql_datadir: /var/lib/mysql
mysql_sql_mode: ''
# The following variables have a default value depending on operating system.
# mysql_pid_file: /var/run/mysqld/
# mysql_socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
# Log file settings.
mysql_log_file_group: mysql
# Slow query log settings.
mysql_slow_query_log_enabled: false
mysql_slow_query_time: "2"
# The following variable has a default value depending on operating system.
# mysql_slow_query_log_file: /var/log/mysql-slow.log
# Memory settings (default values optimized ~512MB RAM).
mysql_key_buffer_size: "256M"
mysql_max_allowed_packet: "64M"
mysql_table_open_cache: "256"
mysql_sort_buffer_size: "1M"
mysql_read_buffer_size: "1M"
mysql_read_rnd_buffer_size: "4M"
mysql_myisam_sort_buffer_size: "64M"
mysql_thread_cache_size: "8"
mysql_query_cache_type: "0"
mysql_query_cache_size: "16M"
mysql_query_cache_limit: "1M"
mysql_max_connections: "151"
mysql_tmp_table_size: "16M"
mysql_max_heap_table_size: "16M"
mysql_group_concat_max_len: "1024"
mysql_join_buffer_size: "262144"
# Other settings.
mysql_lower_case_table_names: "0"
mysql_wait_timeout: "28800"
mysql_event_scheduler_state: "OFF"
# InnoDB settings.
mysql_innodb_file_per_table: "1"
# Set .._buffer_pool_size up to 80% of RAM but beware of setting too high.
mysql_innodb_buffer_pool_size: "256M"
# Set .._log_file_size to 25% of buffer pool size.
mysql_innodb_log_file_size: "64M"
mysql_innodb_log_buffer_size: "8M"
mysql_innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: "1"
mysql_innodb_lock_wait_timeout: "50"
# These settings require MySQL > 5.5.
mysql_innodb_large_prefix: "1"
mysql_innodb_file_format: "barracuda"
# mysqldump settings.
mysql_mysqldump_max_allowed_packet: "64M"
# Logging settings.
mysql_log: ""
# The following variables have a default value depending on operating system.
# mysql_log_error: /var/log/mysql/mysql.err
# mysql_syslog_tag: mysql
mysql_config_include_files: []
# - src: path/relative/to/playbook/file.cnf
# - { src: path/relative/to/playbook/anotherfile.cnf, force: yes }
# Databases.
mysql_databases: []
# - name: example
# collation: utf8_general_ci
# encoding: utf8
# replicate: 1
# Users.
mysql_users: []
# - name: example
# host:
# password: secret
# priv: *.*:USAGE
# Replication settings (replication is only enabled if master/user have values).
mysql_server_id: "1"
mysql_max_binlog_size: "100M"
mysql_binlog_format: "ROW"
mysql_expire_logs_days: "10"
mysql_replication_role: ''
mysql_replication_master: ''
# Same keys as `mysql_users` above.
mysql_replication_user: []

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- name: restart mysql
service: "name={{ mysql_daemon }} state=restarted sleep=5"

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
dependencies: []
author: geerlingguy
description: MySQL server for RHEL/CentOS and Debian/Ubuntu.
company: "Midwestern Mac, LLC"
license: "license (BSD, MIT)"
min_ansible_version: 2.4
- name: EL
- 6
- 7
- name: Ubuntu
- all
- name: Debian
- all
- name: Archlinux
- all
- database
- mysql
- mariadb
- db
- sql

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Variable configuration.
- include_tasks: variables.yml
# Setup/install tasks.
- include_tasks: setup-RedHat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- include_tasks: setup-Debian.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- include_tasks: setup-Archlinux.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Archlinux'
- name: Check if MySQL packages were installed.
mysql_install_packages: "{{ (rh_mysql_install_packages is defined and rh_mysql_install_packages.changed)
or (deb_mysql_install_packages is defined and deb_mysql_install_packages.changed)
or (arch_mysql_install_packages is defined and arch_mysql_install_packages.changed) }}"
# Configure MySQL.
- include_tasks: configure.yml
- include_tasks: secure-installation.yml
- include_tasks: databases.yml
- include_tasks: users.yml
- include_tasks: replication.yml

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