# # tasks for mounts # systemd uses - for dir separator, so dirs with dashes need escaped according to systemd-escape rules # - name: SYSTEMD MOUNT | Install needed packages package: name: "{{ item }}" state: installed with_items: "{{ systemd_mount_packages }}" - name: SYSTEMD MOUNT | Setup systemd Service for mountpoints template: src: systemd.mount.j2 dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ item.value.mount[1:] | replace('-', '\\x2d') | replace('/', '-') }}.mount" with_dict: "{{ systemd_mounts }}" notify: - Reload systemd - Enable systemd mount when: item.key in systemd_mounts_enabled - name: SYSTEMD MOUNT | Setup systemd Service for automount template: src: systemd.automount.j2 dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ item.value.mount[1:] | replace('-', '\\x2d') | replace('/', '-') }}.automount" with_dict: "{{ systemd_mounts }}" notify: - Reload systemd - Enable systemd automount when: item.value.automount is defined and item.value.automount == true and item.key in systemd_mounts_enabled