--- language: python # Use the new container infrastructure sudo: required env: global: - ROLE_NAME: samba matrix: - MOLECULE_DISTRO: centos7 - MOLECULE_DISTRO: debian9 - MOLECULE_DISTRO: fedora29 - MOLECULE_DISTRO: ubuntu1804 #Enable docker support services: - docker install: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install bats curl smbclient samba-testsuite # Install dependencies for Molecule test - python3 -m pip install molecule yamllint ansible-lint docker # Check ansible, molecule and nmblookup version - ansible --version - molecule --version - nmblookup --version # Create ansible.cfg with correct roles_path - printf '[defaults]\nroles_path=../' >ansible.cfg before_script: #Renames ansible-role-bind to bertvv.bind to make it match with Ansible Galaxy - cd ../ - mv ansible-role-$ROLE_NAME bertvv.$ROLE_NAME - cd bertvv.$ROLE_NAME script: #Run molecule test - molecule test notifications: webhooks: https://galaxy.ansible.com/api/v1/notifications/