Maciej Delmanowski 5d5fd43a08 ginas project is renamed to DebOps project
This patch renames all role directories from 'ginas.' to 'debops.'
prefix, no other changes should be expected. Some script names are also
changed, but that shouldn't affect normal operations.
2014-08-26 23:36:08 +02:00

190 lines
5.1 KiB

# This file is managed by Ansible, all changes will be lost
{% macro print_class(class) %}
{% if class.comment is defined and class.comment %}
# {{ class.comment }}
{% endif %}
class "{{ class.class }}" {
{% if class.options is defined and class.options %}
{{ class.options | indent(8,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if class.include is defined and class.include %}
include "{{ class.include }}";
{% endif %}
{% if class.subclass is defined and class.subclass %}
{% for key, value in class.subclass.iteritems() %}
{% if value is defined and value %}
subclass "{{ class.class }}" "{{ key }}" {
{{ value | indent(8,true) }}
{% else %}
subclass "{{ class.class }}" {{ key }};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro print_group(group) %}
{% if group.comment is defined and group.comment %}
# {{ group.comment }}
{% endif %}
group {
{% if group.options is defined and group.options %}
{{ group.options | indent(8,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if group.include is defined and group.include %}
include "{{ group.include }}";
{% endif %}
{% if group.groups is defined and group.groups %}
{% for group in group.groups %}
{{ print_group(group) | indent(8, true) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if group.subnets is defined and group.subnets %}
{% for subnet in group.subnets %}
{{ print_subnet(subnet) | indent(8, true) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if group.hosts is defined and group.hosts %}
{{ print_hosts(group.hosts) | indent(8, true) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro print_subnet(subnet) %}
{% if subnet.comment is defined and subnet.comment %}
# {{ subnet.comment }}
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.ipv6 is defined and subnet.ipv6 %}
subnet6 {{ subnet.subnet }} {
{% else %}
subnet {{ subnet.subnet }} netmask {{ subnet.netmask }} {
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.routers is defined and subnet.routers %}
{% if subnet.routers is string %}
option routers {{ subnet.routers }};
{% else %}
option routers {{ subnet.routers | join(' ') }};
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.options is defined and subnet.options %}
{{ subnet.options | indent(8,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.include is defined and subnet.include %}
include "{{ subnet.include }}";
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.pools is defined and subnet.pools %}
{% for pool in subnet.pools %}
pool {
{% if pool.comment is defined and pool.comment %}
# {{ pool.comment }}
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.ipv6 is defined and subnet.ipv6 %}
range6 {{ pool.range }};
{% else %}
range {{ pool.range }};
{% endif %}
{% if pool.options is defined and pool.options %}
{{ pool.options | indent(16,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if pool.include is defined and pool.include %}
include "{{ pool.include }}";
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if subnet.hosts is defined and subnet.hosts %}
{{ print_hosts(subnet.hosts) | indent(8, true) }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro print_hosts(hosts) %}
{% if hosts is string %}
include "{{ hosts }}";
{% else %}
{% for host in hosts %}
{% if host.comment is defined and host.comment %}
# {{ host.comment }}
{% endif %}
host {{ host.hostname }} {
{% if host.options is defined and host.options %}
{{ host.options | indent(8,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if host.ethernet is defined and host.ethernet %}
hardware ethernet {{ host.ethernet }};
{% endif %}
{% if host.address is defined and host.address %}
fixed-address {{ host.address }};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% if dhcpd_authoritative is defined and dhcpd_authoritative %}
{% elif dhcpd_authoritative is undefined or (dhcpd_authoritative is defined and not dhcpd_authoritative) %}
not authoritative;
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_global_options is defined and dhcpd_global_options %}
# Global configuration options
{{ dhcpd_global_options }}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_options is defined and dhcpd_options %}
# Configuration options
{{ dhcpd_options }}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_classes is defined and dhcpd_classes %}
{% for class in dhcpd_classes %}
{{ print_class(class) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_shared_networks is defined and dhcpd_shared_networks %}
{% for network in dhcpd_shared_networks %}
{% if network.subnets is defined and network.subnets %}
{% if network.comment is defined and network.comment %}
# {{ network.comment }}
{% endif %}
shared-network "{{ }}" {
{% if network.options is defined and network.options %}
{{ network.options | indent(8,true) }}
{% endif %}
{% if network.include is defined and network.include %}
include "{{ network.include }}";
{% endif %}
{% for subnet in network.subnets %}
{{ print_subnet(subnet) | indent(8,true) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_groups is defined and dhcpd_groups %}
{% for group in dhcpd_groups %}
{{ print_group(group) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_subnets is defined and dhcpd_subnets %}
{% for subnet in dhcpd_subnets %}
{{ print_subnet(subnet) }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_hosts is defined and dhcpd_hosts %}
{{ print_hosts(dhcpd_hosts) }}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_includes is defined and dhcpd_includes %}
{% for include in dhcpd_includes %}
include "{{ include }}";
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
vim: ft=dhcpd