{# # List of macros for ISC DHCP configuration, IPv4 # =============================================== # # ---- Macro: print.class() ---- #} {% macro class(class) %} {% if class.comment is defined and class.comment %} # {{ class.comment }} {% endif %} class "{{ class.class }}" { {% if class.options is defined and class.options %} {{ class.options | indent(8,true) }} {% endif %} {% if class.include is defined and class.include %} include "{{ class.include }}"; {% endif %} } {% if class.subclass is defined and class.subclass %} {% for key, value in class.subclass.iteritems() %} {% if value is defined and value %} subclass "{{ class.class }}" "{{ key }}" { {{ value | indent(8,true) }} } {% else %} subclass "{{ class.class }}" {{ key }}; {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.group() ---- #} {% macro group(group) %} {% if group.comment is defined and group.comment %} # {{ group.comment }} {% endif %} group { {% if group.options is defined and group.options %} {{ group.options | indent(8,true) }} {% endif %} {% if group.include is defined and group.include %} include "{{ group.include }}"; {% endif %} {% if group.groups is defined and group.groups %} {% for group in group.groups %} {{ group(group) | indent(8, true) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if group.subnets is defined and group.subnets %} {% for subnet in group.subnets %} {{ subnet(subnet) | indent(8, true) }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if group.hosts is defined and group.hosts %} {{ hosts(group.hosts) | indent(8, true) }} {% endif %} } {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.subnet() ---- #} {% macro subnet(subnet) %} {% if subnet.comment is defined and subnet.comment %} # {{ subnet.comment }} {% endif %} {% if dhcpd_ipversion is defined and dhcpd_ipversion == '6' %} subnet6 {{ subnet.subnet | ipaddr('network') + '/' + subnet.subnet | ipaddr('prefix') | string }} { {% else %} {% if (subnet.netmask is defined and (subnet.subnet + '/' + subnet.netmask) | ipaddr('cidr') | ipaddr('network')) %} subnet {{ (subnet.subnet + '/' + subnet.netmask) | ipaddr('cidr') | ipaddr('network') }} netmask {{ subnet.netmask }} { {% elif subnet.subnet | ipaddr('cidr') | ipaddr('network') %} subnet {{ subnet.subnet | ipaddr('cidr') | ipaddr('network') }} netmask {{ subnet.subnet | ipaddr('netmask') }} { {% else %} subnet {{ subnet.subnet | ipaddr('cidr') | ipaddr('address') }} netmask { {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if subnet.routers is defined and subnet.routers %} {% if subnet.routers is string %} option routers {{ subnet.routers }}; {% else %} option routers {{ subnet.routers | join(', ') }}; {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if subnet.options is defined and subnet.options %} {{ subnet.options | indent(8,true) }} {% endif %} {% if subnet.include is defined and subnet.include %} include "{{ subnet.include }}"; {% endif %} {% if subnet.pools is defined and subnet.pools %} {% for pool in subnet.pools %} pool { {% if pool.comment is defined and pool.comment %} # {{ pool.comment }} {% endif %} {% if dhcpd_ipversion is defined and dhcpd_ipversion == '6' %} range6 {{ pool.range }}; {% else %} range {{ pool.range }}; {% endif %} {% if pool.options is defined and pool.options %} {{ pool.options | indent(16,true) }} {% endif %} {% if pool.include is defined and pool.include %} include "{{ pool.include }}"; {% endif %} } {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if subnet.hosts is defined and subnet.hosts %} {{ hosts(subnet.hosts) | indent(8, true) }} {% endif %} } {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.hosts() ---- #} {% macro hosts(hosts) %} {% if hosts is string %} include "{{ hosts }}"; {% else %} {% for host in hosts %} {% if host.comment is defined and host.comment %} # {{ host.comment }} {% endif %} {# Hack to support host with multiple MACs #} {% if host.ethernet is defined and host.ethernet is sequence and not host.ethernet is string %} {% for hwaddr in host.ethernet %} host {{ host.hostname }}-hw{{ loop.index }} { {% if host.options is defined and host.options %} {{ host.options | indent(8,true) }} {% endif %} hardware ethernet {{ hwaddr }}; {% if not host.options is defined or (host.options and not 'host-name' in host.options) %} option host-name = {{ host.hostname }}; {% endif %} {% if host.address is defined and host.address %} fixed-address {{ host.address }}; {% endif %} } {% endfor %} {% else %} host {{ host.hostname }} { {% if host.options is defined and host.options %} {{ host.options | indent(8,true) }} {% endif %} {% if host.ethernet is defined and host.ethernet %} hardware ethernet {{ host.ethernet }}; {% endif %} {% if host.address is defined and host.address %} {% if dhcpd_ipversion is defined and dhcpd_ipversion == '6' %} fixed-address6 {{ host.address }}; {% else %} fixed-address {{ host.address }}; {% endif %} {% endif %} } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.failover() ---- #} {% macro failover(failover) %} {% if failover.comment is defined and failover.comment %} # {{ failover.comment }} {% endif %} failover peer "{{ failover.failover }}" { {% if failover.primary is defined and failover.primary in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses %} primary; mclt {{ failover.mclt|default(3600) }}; {% if failover.primary_fo_addr is defined and failover.primary_fo_addr %} address {{ failover.primary_fo_addr }}; {% else %} address {{ failover.primary }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.secondary_fo_addr is defined and failover.secondary_fo_addr %} peer address {{ failover.secondary_fo_addr }}; {% else %} peer address {{ failover.secondary }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.split is defined and failover.split %} split {{ failover.split }}; {% elif failover.hba is defined and failover.hba %} hba {{ failover.hba }}; {% endif %} {% else %} secondary; {% if failover.secondary_fo_addr is defined and failover.secondary_fo_addr %} address {{ failover.secondary_fo_addr }}; {% else %} address {{ failover.secondary }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.primary_fo_addr is defined and failover.primary_fo_addr %} peer address {{ failover.primary_fo_addr }}; {% else %} peer address {{ failover.primary }}; {% endif %} {% endif %} max-response-delay {{ failover.max_response_delay|default(30) }}; max-unacked-updates {{ failover.max_unacked_updates|default(10) }}; {% if failover.load_balance_max_seconds is defined and failover.load_balance_max_seconds %} load balance max seconds {{ failover.load_balance_max_seconds }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.max_lease_misbalance is defined and failover.max_lease_misbalance %} max-lease-misbalance {{ failover.max_lease_misbalance }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.max_lease_ownership is defined and failover.max_lease_ownership %} max-lease-ownership {{ failover.max_lease_ownership }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.min_balance is defined and failover.min_balance %} min-balance {{ failover.min_balance }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.max_balance is defined and failover.max_balance %} max-balance {{ failover.max_balance }}; {% endif %} {% if failover.auto_partner_down is defined and failover.auto_partner_down %} auto-partner-down {{ failover.auto_partner_down }}; {% endif %} } {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.key() ---- #} {% macro key(key) %} {% if key.comment is defined and key.comment %} # {{ key.comment }} {% endif %} key {{ key.key }} { algorithm {{ key.algorithm|default('hmac-md5') }}; secret {{ key.secret }}; } {% endmacro %} {# # # ---- Macro: print.zone() ---- #} {% macro zone(zone) %} {% if zone.comment is defined and zone.comment %} # {{ zone.comment }} {% endif %} zone {{ zone.zone }} { primary {{ zone.primary }}; key {{ zone.key }}; } {% endmacro %}