{% if dhcpd_domain_name|d() and dhcpd_domain_name %} {% set dhcpd_tpl_domain_search = [ dhcpd_domain_name ] + dhcpd_domain_search|d([]) %} option domain-name "{{ dhcpd_domain_name }}"; option domain-search "{{ dhcpd_tpl_domain_search | join('", "') }}"; option dhcp6.domain-search "{{ dhcpd_tpl_domain_search | join('", "') }}"; {% endif %} {% set dhcpd_tpl_nameservers = [] %} {% if dhcpd_nameservers|d() and dhcpd_nameservers %} {% set dhcpd_tpl_nameservers = dhcpd_nameservers %} {% elif dhcpd_runtime_nameservers|d() and dhcpd_runtime_nameservers %} {% for server in dhcpd_runtime_nameservers %} {% if server not in [ '', '::1' ] %} {% set _ = dhcpd_tpl_nameservers.append(server) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers %} {% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv4 %} option domain-name-servers {{ dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv4 | join(", ") }}; {% endif %} {% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv6 %} option dhcp6.name-servers {{ dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv6 | join(", ") }}; {% endif %} {% endif %} {# vim: ft=dhcpd #}