Reorganize DHCP options

- 'dhcpd_global_options' text block has been split into individual

- if list of nameservers is not specified, debops.dhcpd role will
  advertise nameservers set in '/etc/resolv.conf' file;

- default set of options can be enabled or disabled using a bool
  variable 'dhcpd_auto_options'. The options have been moved to
  a separate configuration template included in main one;
This commit is contained in:
Maciej Delmanowski 2015-03-29 22:56:46 +02:00
parent 04abdbb3c7
commit 7dfe3855ca
4 changed files with 97 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ dhcpd_server_options: '{{ "-" + dhcpd_ipversion }}'
dhcpd_authoritative: False
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_log_facility
# Log facility to use
dhcpd_log_facility: 'local7'
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_interfaces
# List of network interfaces to listen on for DHCP requests
@ -84,40 +90,58 @@ dhcpd_authoritative: False
dhcpd_interfaces: []
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_domain
# Default domain to use
dhcpd_domain: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_dns_servers
# List of default DNS servers. By default, point users to the same host that
# serves them DHCP requests, on default interface. If this host is a router,
# you might need to set DNS server to internal interface IP address.
dhcpd_dns_servers: [ '{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}' ]
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_lease_time
# Max lease time in hours (default lease time is calculated below)
dhcpd_lease_time: 24
dhcpd_lease_time: '24'
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_global_options
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_global_default_lease_time
# Default global options formatted as a text block
dhcpd_global_options: |
option domain-name "{{ ansible_domain }}";
option domain-name-servers {{ dhcpd_dns_servers | join(' ') }};
default-lease-time {{ (((dhcpd_lease_time / 2) + 6) * 60 * 60)|round|int }};
max-lease-time {{ (dhcpd_lease_time * 60 * 60)|round|int }};
log-facility local7;
# Default lease time for all IP address leases (18 hours)
dhcpd_global_default_lease_time: '{{ (((dhcpd_lease_time|int / 2) + 6) * 60 * 60)|round|int }}'
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_global_max_lease_time
# Maximum lease time for all IP addresses (24 hours)
dhcpd_global_max_lease_time: '{{ (dhcpd_lease_time|int * 60 * 60)|round|int }}'
# ---------------------------
# DHCP advertised options
# ---------------------------
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_auto_options
# If enabled, ISC DHCP server will be configured with a set of automatically
# detected options. See ``auto_options.j2`` template for more details.
dhcpd_auto_options: True
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_domain_name
# Default host domain to advertise
dhcpd_domain_name: '{{ ansible_domain }}'
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_domain_search
# List of additional domains which should be checked when looking for hostnames
dhcpd_domain_search: []
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_nameservers
# List of nameservers to advertise by default
# If it's not specified, nameservers from ``/etc/resolv.conf`` will be used
# instead.
dhcpd_nameservers: []
# .. envvar:: dhcpd_options
# Custom options formatted as a text block
# Custom global options formatted as a text block
dhcpd_options: False

View File

@ -25,6 +25,17 @@
notify: [ 'Restart isc-dhcp-relay' ]
when: dhcpd_register_relay_debconf|d() and dhcpd_register_relay_debconf.changed
- name: Get list of nameservers configured in /etc/resolv.conf
shell: grep -E '^nameserver\s' /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 'N;s/\n/ /'
register: dhcpd_register_nameservers
changed_when: False
when: dhcpd_mode == 'server'
- name: Convert list of nameservers to Ansible list
dhcpd_runtime_nameservers: "{{ dhcpd_register_nameservers.stdout.split(' ') }}"
when: (dhcpd_register_nameservers is defined and dhcpd_register_nameservers.stdout)
- name: Configure DHCP server
src: '{{ item }}.j2'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
{% if dhcpd_domain_name|d() and dhcpd_domain_name %}
option domain-name "{{ dhcpd_domain_name }}";
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_domain_search|d() and dhcpd_domain_search %}
option domain-search "{{ dhcpd_domain_search | join('", "') }}";
option dhcp6.domain-search "{{ dhcpd_domain_search | join('", "') }}";
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_nameservers|d() and dhcpd_nameservers %}
{% set dhcpd_tpl_nameservers = dhcpd_nameservers %}
{% elif dhcpd_runtime_nameservers|d() and dhcpd_runtime_nameservers %}
{% set dhcpd_tpl_nameservers = dhcpd_runtime_nameservers %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers %}
{% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv4 %}
option domain-name-servers {{ dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv4 | join(", ") }};
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv6 %}
option {{ dhcpd_tpl_nameservers | ipv6 | join(", ") }};
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
vim: ft=dhcpd

View File

@ -8,10 +8,19 @@ authoritative;
not authoritative;
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_global_options is defined and dhcpd_global_options %}
# Global configuration options
{{ dhcpd_global_options }}
{% if dhcpd_global_default_lease_time|d() and dhcpd_global_default_lease_time %}
default-lease-time {{ dhcpd_global_default_lease_time }};
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_global_max_lease_time|d() and dhcpd_global_max_lease_time %}
max-lease-time {{ dhcpd_global_max_lease_time }};
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_log_facility|d() and dhcpd_log_facility %}
log-facility {{ dhcpd_log_facility }};
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_auto_options|d() and dhcpd_auto_options %}
{% include 'auto_options.j2' %}
{% endif %}
{% if dhcpd_options is defined and dhcpd_options %}
# Configuration options